G3.1.4 Employee Wellness Program
Chapter: Chapter 03: Personnel Services
Sub-Chapter: 3.1 - Performance Evaluation and Promotion Systems
Effective Date: 06/07/2019
Revised Date: 06/30/2023
Rescinds: G3.1.4 – 6/6/2023
To address the physical and mental wellness services and resources provided to Indiana University Police Department (IUPD) employees.
General Order
The IUPD will maintain an employee wellness program that supports its employees. The IUPD prioritizes employee wellness to foster fitness for duty and support a healthy quality of life. The wellness program encompasses aspects such as physical and mental health and overall wellness.
Personnel eligible to participate (3.1.4 a)
All employees of the IUPD are eligible to participate in various programs, benefits, and workshops offered by Indiana University (IU). Some offerings may only be available to full time employees and/or those covered on an IU sponsored medical plan, while other offerings are only available to students. All employees of the IUPD are eligible to participate in the offerings and utilize the resources of the IUPD, however participation while on duty may be limited.
Information and resources (3.1.4 b)
Healthy IU is Indiana University’s workplace wellness program which offers many wellness resources. Indiana University also provides many resources and support through the workplace mental health and student mental health websites. Additional information or resources may be made available by the IUPD.
Physical exercise while on duty (3.1.4 c)
Participation in physical exercise while on duty is limited to full time sworn personnel only. Full time sworn personnel wishing to participate in physical exercise while on duty must first discuss with their supervisor to determine a mutually agreed upon time. Physical exercise time will be up to one (1) hour per day, not exceeding three (3) hours per workweek. Time spent on related activities (i.e. travel time, clothing changes, etc.) is included in the one (1) hour per day limit.
Shift activity and department needs take priority over physical exercise time. Supervisors may cancel approved on duty physical exercise time at their discretion due to scheduling, other assignment constraints, or other business needs.
The approved physical exercise time will only be done during the officer’s regularly scheduled shift. Additionally, physical exercise time is not permitted during the officer’s first or last hour of the workday, nor taken in conjunction with meal breaks. While participating in physical exercise time on duty, officers will ensure they are able to be contacted though their issued IUPD radio and their weapons and police equipment are stored in a secure area while they are exercising.
An officer who is on modified duty may not be permitted to participate in physical exercise while on duty. When an officer has been assigned modified duty, they may be required to provide clarification from a health care provider regarding their ability to safely engage in physical exercise. This information will be provided to IU Human Resources who will coordinate with IUPD leadership.
Part time employees are not permitted to participate in physical exercise time while they are on duty unless they are required to participate as part of a scheduled session facilitated by the IUPD.
Physical fitness facilities are available on each campus at the employee’s expense.
Participating in physical exercise while on duty is a privilege. If it appears that an officer is abusing this privilege, it may be immediately suspended and the officer may be subject to corrective action.
Individual health screening (3.1.4 d)
All employees are encouraged to obtain periodic health screenings at the employee’s expense unless otherwise provided for in their medical plan.
Any employee who participates in any physical training program or utilizes any IUPD fitness equipment should consult with their health care provider prior to participation or if they have existing health concerns.
Physical fitness assessment and resources (3.1.4 e)
Physical fitness assessments are only mandatory for Cadet Officer Program participants. Any other IUPD employee may voluntarily participate in these physical fitness assessments after obtaining prior approval from their supervisor. Physical fitness assessments conducted as part of the Indiana University Police Academy (IUPA) curricula are only available to the recruits currently enrolled in the IUPA.
The physical fitness assessments are modeled after the Indiana Law Enforcement Academy’s (ILEA) physical fitness standards and contain five (5) physical fitness components that are measured in one day as a battery of tests. Information and resources on how to prepare for each test are available on the ILEA website.
Related Information
Indiana Law Enforcement Academy
- Physical Fitness Standards: https://www.in.gov/ilea/physical-fitness-standards/
Indiana University
- Healthy IU: https://healthy.iu.edu/index.html
- Student Mental Health: https://www.iu.edu/mental-health/index.html
- Workplace Mental Health: https://workplacementalhealth.iu.edu/index.html