Therapeutic and recreational water safety requirements

IU Environmental Health and Safety monitors all recreational and therapeutic water facilities owned or operated by IU to ensure that users are not exposed to bacteria and other agents that may cause recreational water illnesses. Keep in mind the following tips when you are using water facilities at IU.
- Practice good hygiene. Shower with soap before swimming and wash your hands after using the toilet or changing diapers. Germs on your body end up in the water.
- Don't swallow the pool water. Avoid getting water in your mouth.
- Don't swim when you have diarrhea. You can spread germs in the water and make other people sick.
Programs and policies
State rules and other guidance for pools, spas and beaches
Swimming pools and spas
Swimming pools and spas at IU must meet the requirements of the Indiana Department of Health (IDOH), Public and Semi-Public Swimming Pools Rule 410 IAC 6-2.1 for operation and maintenance.
New construction, rehabilitation, and modification of these pools must comply with Indiana Department of Homeland Security, Division of Fire and Building Safety’s construction code: Indiana Swimming Pool, Spa and Water Attraction Code, 675 IAC 20.
The beach at Bradford Woods must meet the requirements of Indiana Department of Health, Youth Camps Rule 410 IAC 6-7.2 because the beach is used by the campers at the residential camp.
Weekly water samples are taken by Bradford Woods staff and submitted to a certified lab for analysis. IUEHS reviews these samples for E. coli and bacteria to ensure that the campers are not exposed to unsafe water. In times when we have three or more inches of rain within a 24-hour period, the beach is closed as a precautionary measure until sampling can confirm that the water is safe for human contact.

Pool & spa resources
Public and Semi-Public Swimming Pools Rule 410 IAC 6-2.1
Indiana Swimming Pool, Spa and Water Attraction Code, 675 IAC 20
CDC: What to Do When There is Poop in the Pool
CDC: Fecal Incident Response Recommendations for Aquatic Staff (CDC fecal accident procedure to be used until 410 IAC 6-2.1 is modified)