Sharing information for public transparency
If you want to know about it, we have it. IUPD shares all its data collections, crime logs, and incidents (including alleged incidents). Incidents include calls about active shooters, sexual offenses, and information about the use of drugs and alcohol. Anything that’s reported to IUPD is here. Every log, report, and data collection—so the IU community stays up to date on what’s happening in the university.
Collecting data from law enforcement
Indiana University participates in the Police Data Initiative, which shares information about what IUPD is doing. The data shared falls into four categories:
Use of force
Workforce demographics
Calls for service
Community engagement
IU also maintains a daily crime and fire log. The crime log records the date, time, location, and description of the crime committed. The fire log is combined with the crime log and contains information about all reported fires occurring within or on any on-campus student housing facilities.
Under the Clery Act, IU must send out notices of crime to the entire IU community. These are distributed by email. The email gives a brief description of the situation and instructions on how to protect yourself if you find yourself in a similar situation.