Clery Act Off-campus

Why does IU need this information?

The university needs information on Clery Act qualifying locations in order to follow up with the local law enforcement agency with jurisdiction over the Clery reportable space.

A letter is sent to the location’s local law enforcement agency requesting Clery Act crime statistics that were reported to have occurred during the time frame the university had control over the space. The purpose of sending this letter is to gather crime statistics that were reported directly to the local law enforcement and thus may not be known to university personnel.

* Note, other university/departmental internal crime reporting requirements may also exist on any Clery Act reportable and non-reportable student trips.

Off-campus activities that need to be reported

Not all off-campus student activities and travel needs to be reported. To be Clery reportable, the activity must meet certain requirements.

First, the university must have control over the space used for the student activity and/or travel. Control, as defined by the Clery Act, means that there is a written agreement (no matter how informal) directly between the university and the end provider for use of the space. Some examples of a written agreement include reserving hotel rooms, leasing apartments, leasing space for athletic purposes, or an agreement for academic space. Even if the agreement is in email form, and there is no charge associated with the agreement, the space may still qualify as Clery reportable.

Second, the controlled space must be used in direct support of, or in relation to, the institution's educational purposes and frequented by students. At IU, "frequently used by students" is defined as meeting at least one of the following two criteria:

  • Five nights or more.
  • Repeated use of the same location—either during the same calendar year or annually.

If an agreement for space and/or a lodging reservation is made directly by the individual(s) using the space and/or lodging, then the activity is not Clery reportable.

How to report Clery Act qualifying off-campus student activity or travel

All domestic trips and activities, that do not have a current lease on file with IU Real Estate, must be registered using this online form. IUPD and IU Public Safety already have records of space listed on the IU building list.

Report a non-campus property

International trips and activities

If your trip or activity takes place internationally, that information is collected through the Overseas Study office. If your trip is coordinated through that office, you do not have to register it using the online form.

How to report a Clery Act reportable crime occurring on a student trip

Clery Act reportable crimes that occur during a student trip and in utilized accommodation and/or academic space, and common areas of location(s) used to access the space, must be reported on a timely basis using one of the methods listed on this page.

In an emergency, dial 911 or, if outside the United States, contact the local law enforcement agency.

Learn more about Clery Act reportable crimes


If you have any questions on the Clery Act or on whether your off-campus student trip or activity should be reported, please contact IU Public Safety at