Waste Management at IU Bloomington

Waste generated at IU Bloomington (IUB) includes municipal trash, recycling, food waste, and landscaping waste, as well as chemical, biological, and radioactive waste generated by research, academic, and administrative operations. Several IU departments have resposibility for managing these waste materials. The disposal of chemical, biological, and radioactive waste is governed by Federal, State, and local regulations as well as IU policies and procedures. IUEHS oversees the chemical, biological, and radioactive waste management programs for IUB, but our continued success depends on the efforts of faculty, staff, and students to properly identify problematic wastes and follow the appropriate procedures for their disposal. Proper handling and disposal of this waste is critical to worker safety, the health of the community, and the protection of our environment.
IUB is a large quantity generator of hazardous waste, generating approximately 45 tons of hazardous waste each year and an additional 20 tons of waste that cannot be managed in the municipal trash due to other regulations and landfill or recycling facility restrictions. The links below provide guidance and tools for you to use to ensure that any waste you generate is properly managed. Links to waste management training are also provided. This training is required for anyone at IUB who generates chemical, biological, or radioactive waste.