Under the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act, or Clery Act, the Indiana University Police Department is required to maintain and make available a daily crime log.
This crime log provides certain details about crimes that are reported to the campus police that have occurred on campus, in or on a noncampus building or property, on public property within or immediately adjacent to the main campus, or within the patrol jurisdiction of the campus police, if applicable.
According to the Clery Act, institutions may withhold any of the required details of the crime log if any of the following conditions apply:
- The disclosure is prohibited by law.
- If disclosure would jeopardize the confidentiality of the victim, or the safety of an individual.
- If disclosure would jeopardize an ongoing criminal investigation.
- If disclosure would cause a suspect to flee or evade detection.
- If disclosure would result in the destruction of evidence.
Indiana University is also required to maintain and make available a fire log for campuses that operate student housing facilities (Bloomington, IU Indianapolis, South Bend, and Southeast).
The fire log is combined with the crime log and contains information about all reported fires occurring within or on any on-campus student housing facilities. When a single incident has multiple victims and/or offenders, descriptions in the daily crime log will include a "X#" to denote the total count of arrests or referrals made on the incident.
The crime log (and fire log as applicable) for the most recent 60-day period is available online or by visiting IUPD on your campus. For more information concerning the daily crime log and fire log, or to view an older log that is older than 60 days, please contact IUPD during normal business hours.