G1.1.7 Authority of Agency Chief Executive Officer
Chapter: Chapter 01: Organization and Administration
Sub-Chapter: 1.1 - Agency Organization
Effective Date: 10/18/2021
Revised Date: 05/05/2023
Rescinds: G1.1.7 – 10/18/2021
To define the authority and responsibility of Indiana University Police Department’s (IUPD) chief executive officer.
General Order
The IUPD operates under the leadership and command of the superintendent for public safety who has the authority and responsibility for financial and budget management, personnel matters, and agency policies and procedures.
Financial and budget management (1.1.7 a)
The superintendent for public safety has the final approval and authority over the IUPD’s budget and subsequent expenditures. The superintendent for public safety is responsible for all resource allocations, including identification, collaboration and exploitation of opportunities for efficient deployment of all IUPD personnel, equipment, and training.
Personnel matters to include employee discipline (1.1.7 b)
The superintendent for public safety has authority and responsibility on all IUPD personnel matters to include hiring, discipline, internal affairs, and separation. The superintendent for public safety will consult with Indiana University Human Resources and/or the Office of the Vice President and General Counsel when appropriate given the circumstances and as required under applicable university policy.
Issuing and modifying agency policies and procedures (1.1.7 c)
The superintendent for public safety provides executive leadership and approval authority for strategies, policies, and procedures that direct the operations of the IUPD. The superintendent for public safety sets the strategic approach and overall goals for the IUPD.