G10.1.4 Information for Motorists
Chapter: Chapter 10: Traffic and Parking Services
Sub-Chapter: 10.1 - Motor Vehicle Enforcement Activities
Effective Date: 05/29/2019
Revised Date: 11/28/2023
Rescinds: G10.1.1 – 5/29/2020
To state the required information that officers of the Indiana University Police Department (IUPD) will provide to motorists who are cited for a traffic violation.
General Order
Officers will provide specific information to motorists when they are cited for a traffic violation. This information will explain the citation and the rights and responsibilities of the motorist.
Information for Motorists
Generally, officers will provide a verbal summary explaining the citation. Specific information which may be conveyed verbally and/or in writing will include, at minimum:
- Information concerning the court appearance date, time, and location. (10.1.4 a) Depending on the court with jurisdiction, the court appearance date, time, and location may be included in the citation or may be set at a later date.
- Whether court appearance by the motorist is mandatory. (10.1.4 b)
- Whether the motorist may be allowed to enter a plea and/or pay the fine by mail, online, or through other acceptable methods. (10.1.4 c)
Other information will be provided to the motorist as applicable. This may include, but is not limited to, informational pamphlets or brochures, Project L.O.V.E. voucher (Law Officer Vouchers & Enforcement), information regarding the location where the vehicle will be towed and procedures to follow to release their vehicle, or other applicable information that may be required by the local court with jurisdiction. (10.1.4 d)