G11.1.6 Calls for Information or Service
Chapter: Chapter 11: Communications and Dispatch Services
Sub-Chapter: 11.1 - Communications
Effective Date: 02/16/2024
Revised Date: 02/16/2024
Rescinds: None
To describe the procedures the Indiana University Police Department’s (IUPD) public safety dispatchers will follow when responding to calls for information or services.
General Order
The public safety dispatcher is often the first contact a community member has with the IUPD. Public safety dispatchers will process calls for information or service in a professional manner and as efficiently as possible.
Evaluation of calls to determine emergency or non-emergency response is required (11.1.6 a)
Public safety dispatchers will evaluate each incoming call for information or service and make a determination on the appropriate response. Procedures for determining the appropriate response may include listening to voice tone, listening to the caller’s background noise, observing non-verbal cues if available, and assessing the overall seriousness of the situation to determine whether an immediate response is required. Public safety dispatchers will prioritize incoming calls from 911 lines over incoming calls from a non-emergency line.
A call will be classified as an emergency for any crime in progress, when there is an immediate threat to a person’s physical safety, or any situation where there is risk or confirmation of injury or death. These may include traffic collisions with injury, medical emergencies, certain critical alarms including fire alarms, and any other potentially life-threatening situation.
Non-emergency calls are triaged and handled in the order that best protects the Indiana University community.
Advising the caller of the agency’s response (11.1.6 b)
In responding to calls for information or service, the public safety dispatcher will inform the caller of IUPD’s response, including a direct response by IUPD personnel and/or referral to other agencies or departments. Public safety dispatchers will notify the caller if there is an expected delay in IUPD’s response.
Related Information
Indiana University Police Department
- G9.1.3 Response to Calls