G11.2.5 Immediate Play-Back of Radio and Phone Transmissions
Chapter: Chapter 11: Communications and Dispatch Services
Sub-Chapter: 11.2 - Emergency Communications System
Effective Date: 02/23/2024
Revised Date: 02/23/2024
Rescinds: None
To describe the procedures the Indiana University Police Department (IUPD) will follow for accessing and securely storing radio and telephonic recordings.
General Order
The IUPD maintains a recording system capable of immediate playback of recorded radio transmissions and emergency telephone conversations while maintaining the ability to continuously record new radio transmissions and emergency telephone conversations. Public safety dispatchers will have the ability to immediately review past radio transmissions or emergency telephone conversations. All recordings are securely stored on the IUPD’s audio server and access is limited to authorized personnel.
Maintaining the recordings (11.2.5 a)
All recordings of the IUPD’s radio transmissions and emergency telephone conversations are maintained on the IUPD’s secure audio server for a minimum of thirty (30) days.
Secure handling and storage of recordings (11.2.5 b)
Recordings of radio transmissions and emergency telephone conversations will be handled and stored in a secure manner on the IUPD’s audio server. Access to the audio server is limited to authorized personnel, including dispatch communications supervisors, police supervisors, information technology staff, evidence technicians, and internal affairs investigators. Authorized personnel must first connect to the IUPD’s virtual private network (VPN) before accessing the audio server using their unique login credentials.
Criteria and procedures for reviewing recorded conversations (11.2.5 c)
Criteria for reviewing recorded conversations include retrieving information on any call for service, retrieving vital information during emergencies, assisting in criminal investigations, gathering information on a complaint or for an internal affairs investigation, training, or for any other administrative review.
Public safety dispatchers may review past radio transmissions or emergency telephone conversations in the event they need to review transmitted information for clarification and to ensure accuracy. Public safety dispatchers have immediate access from their workstations to review recordings generated within the past seventy-two (72) hours.
IUPD personnel (other than authorized personnel) wishing to review recordings for purposes other than a criminal investigation will submit a written request that contains the approximate date and time of the incident to the public safety dispatch supervisor. The public safety dispatch supervisor will provide the requestor with a copy of the requested recording using the Indiana University approved secure electronic document sharing system. All recordings are to be used for official purposes only.
Requests for recordings related to a criminal investigation should be directed to an evidence technician.
The release of any recorded radio transmissions or telephone conversations, including transcripts, to the public will conform with Indiana’s Access to Public Records Act and will follow applicable Indiana University open records requests procedures.