G12.1.4 Behavioral Intervention and or Threat Assessment
Chapter: Chapter 12: Crime Prevention Community Outreach and Public Information
Sub-Chapter: 12.1 - Crime Prevention
Effective Date: 02/25/2022
Revised Date: 02/25/2022
Rescinds: G12.1.4 - 5/10/2020
To describe the Indiana University Police Department’s (IUPD) role in the behavioral intervention and threat assessment process.
General Order
The IUPD partners with campus departments and community organizations to identify individuals who exhibit behaviors or communicate threats which demonstrate they are a risk to themselves, either physically or emotionally, and/or may present a risk of harm to others. The IUPD will assess potentially dangerous behavior or threats of violence by individuals to the campus.
Behavioral Intervention and Threat Assessments (12.1.4)
Each IUPD division plays an active role in their campus’ behavioral consultation or intervention team. IUPD representatives attend meetings and serve as the law enforcement resource when evaluating reports made by the campus community regarding persons of concern.
When appropriate, the IUPD will conduct a threat assessment on an individual to evaluate a potential threat to the University community. Threat assessments may vary in scope, including but not limited to information from university and/or community members, open-source information and publicly available social media, depending on the nature of the behavior and available information. The IUPD will share findings with campus partners on a need-to-know basis and within parameters allowed by law.
The need for a threat assessment will be communicated to the director for community engagement and threat assessment by the IUPD division representative who serves on the campus’ behavioral consultation or intervention team. Other IUPD personnel who believe a threat assessment is needed will also communicate the need to the director for community engagement and threat assessment. The director for community engagement and threat assessment will review the information and assign the threat assessment to an investigator as appropriate.
Any threat assessment conducted by the IUPD will be documented as a case report in IUPD’s Records Management System.