G12.4.1 Public Information Function
Chapter: Chapter 12: Crime Prevention Community Outreach and Public Information
Sub-Chapter: 12.4 - Public Information
Effective Date: 05/03/2024
Revised Date: 05/03/2024
Rescinds: None
To describe the procedures the Indiana University Police Department (IUPD) will follow when responding to media requests made to agency personnel.
General Order
The IUPD will respond to media requests with accurate and timely information. Employees of the IUPD who provide information to the media will do so in a courteous, impartial, and unbiased manner within the scope of their authority and in accordance with applicable written directives, university policy, and state and federal law.
Public Information Function
The IUPD has a designated primary public information officer (PIO). The PIO is the primary spokesperson for the department and is responsible for receiving and coordinating IUPD’s response to any media requests. The PIO will coordinate with Indiana University Public Safety’s communications manager, Indiana University Media Relations, Indiana University Communications and Marketing, and the Office of the Vice President and General Counsel when appropriate. In the absence of the primary PIO, a designated back up will be identified. The PIO may be contacted through their university email or telephone.
The superintendent for public safety or their designee may also speak on behalf of the IUPD.
There may be times when the IUPD receives a request for an interview and there are other individuals within the department who have more expertise on the particular topic (i.e. subject matter experts). The PIO will be notified of the request for an interview and will coordinate with subject matter expert(s) as appropriate.
Additional responsibilities of the public information function and the PIO include, but are not limited to:
- Responding to media requests for information at the scene of an incident (12.4.1 a);
- Responding to or coordinating the response for media requests for information concerning ongoing investigations (12.4.1 c);
- Responding to media requests for information concerning victims, witnesses, or suspects (12.4.1 d);
- Responding to or coordinating the response for media requests for other information that is not readily available to the media (12.4.1 e);
- Preparing and distributing news releases;
- Arranging and assisting at news conferences; and
- Assist in managing the Indiana University Police and Public Safety social media sites or pages.
Requests for information from IUPD files, including police reports or any other IUPD record, will be directed to the Office of the Vice President and General Counsel’s electronic request form. These requests will be processed by department personnel in accordance with G16.2.4 Public Records Requests (12.4.1 b).
All department personnel may release weather conditions, road conditions, traffic conditions, and the type and location of traffic collisions. Any other media requests for information, including at the scene of an incident, will be referred to the PIO.
Upon request, public safety dispatchers may verify initial information such as traffic related incidents, location of incidents, and emergency personnel on-scene. Requests for additional information from the media that come through the dispatch communications center will be directed to the IUPD’s PIO.
Related Information
Indiana Code
- 5-14-3 Access to Public Records
Indiana University Police Department
- G16.2.4 Public Records Requests