G12.4.2 Media Access
Chapter: Chapter 12: Crime Prevention Community Outreach and Public Information
Sub-Chapter: 12.4 - Public Information
Effective Date: 05/03/2024
Revised Date: 05/03/2024
Rescinds: None
To describe how the Indiana University Police Department (IUPD) will allow media access to incidents or locations.
General Order
Media representatives will be allowed to collect information and report on incidents and investigations, and the IUPD will work with the media as much as possible to keep them informed. However, their presence will not hinder or interfere with public safety, law enforcement functions, or criminal investigations.
Media Access (12.4.2)
The incident commander, supervisor, investigator, or public information officer will establish a media staging area when necessary for any incident. Media representatives who arrive at the scene will be directed to the designated media staging area. The media staging area may be placed reasonably near the incident scene as long as media representatives do not hinder or interfere with law enforcement or public safety personnel, contaminate the scene, or jeopardize their personal safety. As the incident evolves, the media staging area may be moved.
In order to preserve the integrity of the incident scene, media representatives will not be admitted until all evidence has been processed.