G13.1.1 Investigative Services Function
Chapter: Chapter 13 – Investigative Services
Sub-Chapter: 13.1 - Investigative Services
Effective Date: 11/29/2022
Revised Date: 11/29/2022
Rescinds: IN21-02 – 1/27/21; BL18-02 – 11/1/18
To describe the Indiana University Police Department’s investigative services function.
General Order
The Indiana University Police Department (IUPD) conducts criminal investigations, including preliminary and follow-up investigations, for crimes reported to have occurred within the IUPD’s primary jurisdiction. Communication, information sharing, and collaboration between preliminary and follow-up investigators will occur as appropriate. The IUPD will rely on outside law enforcement agencies to conduct investigations as described in this general order.
Investigative Coverage (13.1.1 a)
The IUPD has identified two districts for investigative coverage. District 1 provides investigative coverage for the Northwest, South Bend, Kokomo, East, and IUPUI campuses. District 2 provides investigative coverage for the Bloomington, Columbus, Southeast, and Evansville campuses.
Each district has established an on-call rotation for the detectives, which is scheduled by the district supervisor. Incidents where the on-call detective should be notified and requested to respond include: all shootings; incidents involving serious life threatening injuries or death; armed robberies; explosions or explosives; arson with extensive damage or evidence to be collected; all sexual assaults and child molestation cases; all abductions; all high risk missing persons; and incidents involving extensive evidence or where an immediate follow-up is required and the patrol officers do not have the resources or expertise to conduct the follow-up.
The on-call detective should also be notified about the following types of cases for consultation and determination regarding whether an investigative response is necessary: domestic violence; stalking (criminal and non-criminal as specified within the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA), Title IX, and the Clery Act); and dating violence (criminal and non-criminal as specified within VAWA, Title IX, and the Clery Act).
If a detective is requested to respond to the scene of an incident, the scene will remain secured by the patrol officer(s) until the detective arrives, unless otherwise directed by a supervisor or the responding detective. When the detective arrives, they will assume responsibility for the crime scene and the investigation, unless relieved by a supervisor.
The on-call detective will notify their supervisor when they are responding to an incident and inform them of the nature of the call and discuss any further needs to coordinate and respond to the incident.
Reliance on Outside Agencies (13.1.1 b)
Generally, the IUPD will conduct all investigations for crimes reported as having occurred within IUPD’s primary jurisdiction as defined in G1.1.2 Jurisdiction and Service Boundaries. The IUPD will rely on other law enforcement agencies for investigative support on criminal incidents that exceed the investigative capabilities of the IUPD. In these situations, an IUPD supervisor will request mutual aid from the appropriate agency.
Additionally, the IUPD will request the appropriate law enforcement agency to conduct investigations for the following:
- Traffic collisions with serious bodily injury or death involving IUPD vehicles as directed in G10.2.1 Collision Reporting and Investigation, and
- Use of force resulting in serious physical injury or death as described in G7.1.2 Use of Deadly Force.
For campuses that do not have IUPD personnel on duty twenty-four hours per day, the local law enforcement agency will be requested to respond to conduct the preliminary investigation during the times that there are no IUPD personnel on duty. The IUPD will follow up with the local law enforcement agency to obtain the information and coordinate any necessary follow up investigation.
Responsibilities for Conducting Preliminary and Follow-up Investigations (13.1.1 c)
Preliminary Investigations
The dispatched or initiating patrol officer will be responsible for conducting careful, thorough, and accurate preliminary investigations and may be expected to continue with the investigation and follow-up as needed. Depending on the circumstances, detectives or any other sworn officer may conduct a preliminary investigation.
Follow-Up Investigations
Follow-up investigations will be assigned by the investigations supervisor as they deem appropriate in accordance with the procedures and criteria described in G13.1.3 Follow-Up Investigations. Follow-up investigations may be assigned to either a detective or any other sworn officer.
Communications and Information-Sharing between Preliminary and Follow-up Investigators (13.1.1 d)
When the preliminary and follow-up investigation components of a case involve more than one investigator, whether they are assigned to investigations or patrol, communication, information sharing, and collaboration will occur as appropriate. Collaboration between investigators can enhance the likelihood of successfully resolving the incident, particularly in the early stages of an investigation. As such, the investigations supervisor will oversee the case management process and ensure communications occur when appropriate.
Related Information
Indiana University Police Department
- G1.1.2 Jurisdiction and Service Boundaries
- G7.1.2 Use of Deadly Force
- G10.2.1 Collision Reporting and Investigation
- G13.1.3 Follow-Up Investigations