G13.1.2 Preliminary Investigations
Chapter: Chapter 13 – Investigative Services
Sub-Chapter: 13.1 - Investigative Services
Effective Date: 11/29/2022
Revised Date: 11/29/2022
Rescinds: None
To describe the steps that are followed by the Indiana University Police Department (IUPD) during a preliminary investigation.
General Order
Preliminary investigations are generally conducted and documented by patrol officers; however, detectives or other sworn personnel of any rank may also conduct preliminary investigations. Steps will be taken by the responding officer(s) to ensure the safety of all parties involved, secure the scene, and preserve evidence.
Preliminary Investigations
During preliminary investigations, the assigned officer(s) and/or detective(s) will be responsible for conducting a careful, thorough, and accurate preliminary investigation, making every effort to obtain and document as much information as possible. Steps to be followed in conducting preliminary investigations include, but are not limited to:
- Securing the scene to ensure the safety of all involved parties and evidence is not lost or contaminated. (13.1.2 a)
- Observing and accurately documenting the scene and any unusual conditions. (13.1.2 b)
- Providing for the safety of victims, suspects, and witnesses, rendering aid for injured parties, and requesting appropriate medical attention, if necessary. (13.1.2 c)
- Locating, obtaining complete identification and contact information, and interviewing all victims, witnesses, complainants, and other involved parties, including the suspect, as applicable. (13.1.2 d)
- Preserving and arranging for the collection of evidence. (13.1.2 e)
- Completing the case report fully and accurately. Initial case reports will be completed by the primary investigating officer or detective. Any other officer who took action or gathered information will complete a supplement to the original case report. (13.1.2 f)
Related Information
Indiana University Police Department
- F13.1.2-1 Crime Scene Entry Log