G13.1.4 Case Management
Chapter: Chapter 13 – Investigative Services
Sub-Chapter: 13.1 - Investigative Services
Effective Date: 11/29/2022
Revised Date: 11/29/2022
Rescinds: None
To provide Indiana University Police Department (IUPD) with a system for recording information pertinent to each reported case.
General Order
All IUPD officers and investigators will use the IUPD Records Management System (RMS) as a system for case management and all documentation of information regarding each case report will be contained within the RMS. The RMS will record for each case, the assigned officer and/or investigator, date assigned, case number, and report due date. The case status and all completed investigative actions will be documented within the RMS. These records provide an immediate resource to those with access, especially when working collaboratively on the same case.
Case Status (13.1.4 a)
All cases are assigned a status at the time the initial report is completed. Case status options are active, inactive, and closed and are defined as follows:
- Active – Cases that are still being actively investigated and IUPD is still working to advance the case.
- Inactive – Cases that have not been conclusively resolved but are no longer actively being investigated.
- Closed - Cases that they have been conclusively resolved.
Conclusively resolved means that all suspects in the case have been arrested; the IUPD has enough information to make an arrest or referral for administrative action but have decided not to do so; or circumstances beyond IUPD’s control prevent arrest or referral for administrative action from occurring.
Accessibility and Security of Active Investigation Case Files (13.1.4 b)
Investigators will add all investigative notes, including but not limited to attempts to contact victim(s), witness(es) and suspect(s), to the case report as a follow up. The follow up section of the RMS is designed to document investigative information and is available to IUPD personnel who have a need to view the information due to their job function and responsibilities. Access levels are managed based on job function and responsibilities. At no time will investigatory information and notes be kept in a manner that unauthorized individuals may have access to or be able to view.
Designated Primary Investigator (13.1.4 c)
For every case that is assigned for follow-up investigation, one person will be designated as the primary investigator. If an arrest is made during the preliminary investigation, the designated primary investigator is the arresting officer. This does not preclude a detective or other officers from assisting in the investigation as appropriate.
Documenting Case Activity (13.1.4 d)
All investigative actions taken, including but not limited to contacts with involved parties, review of video footage and other evidence, criminal history checks, and filing of paperwork with the local prosecutor’s office or courts will be documented in the RMS by the investigator as soon as practicable. In accordance with G16.3.3 Daily Crime Log, any information that would have an impact on the Daily Crime Log elements will be updated in the case report within two (2) business days. Investigators are responsible for maintaining pertinent accompanying records and will attach those records to the case report electronically. Unless the document or item is evidentiary in nature and the evidentiary value lies with the original document, the original document will be destroyed once it is electronically attached to the report.
When an investigation reaches a point at which an investigator is ready to change the status of a case, they will make the appropriate changes in the case report and document the justification in a follow up. The supervisor will review the documentation and status of the case and process the report as appropriate. The documentation, submission, and processing of the report will be done as soon as practicable after receiving the information.
Procedures For Transferring Completed Files to Records (13.1.4 e)
Once a case is considered completed, the electronic record stored in the RMS is considered the primary source of information related to the case. The RMS is the central records repository for all IUPD case reports and investigations