G13.2.5 Special Investigations
Chapter: Chapter 13 – Investigative Services
Sub-Chapter: 13.2 - Special Investigative Operations
Effective Date: 06/10/2024
Revised Date: 06/10/2024
Rescinds: None
To describe the procedures the Indiana University Police Department (IUPD) will follow for receiving, processing, and investigating vice, drug, or organized crime complaints.
General Order
The IUPD may receive information regarding vice, drugs, or organized crime that is occurring within the IUPD’s jurisdiction or within the jurisdiction of another agency. Information concerning these activities will be forwarded to the appropriate investigations unit supervisor who will assess the information and decide on the appropriate course of action.
Receiving, processing, and investigating vice, drug, or organized crime complaints (13.2.5)
Information received regarding vice, drugs, or organized crime related activities will be accepted from any source including, but not limited to verbal or written complaints to the department, anonymous tips, community groups, or direct observation.
Officers will complete a case report within the IUPD’s Records Management System, detailing the information received. All reports of criminal activity will be reviewed by the appropriate investigations unit supervisor. The appropriate investigations unit supervisor may assign the report to a detective for follow up following the steps described in G13.1.3 Follow-Up Investigations or refer the report to another law enforcement agency. Depending on the nature of the complaint and the investigative needs, mutual aid may be requested from the appropriate law enforcement agency who may be better equipped to conduct the investigation.
Case reports may be marked as confidential at the discretion of the appropriate investigations unit supervisor. Cases marked as confidential are only accessible to authorized employees of the IUPD. Information within these cases will remain confidential and will only be released under the authorization of the superintendent for public safety, or designee, in consultation with the Office of the Vice President and General Counsel when appropriate.
In accordance with G16.3.3 Daily Crime Log, information may be temporarily withheld from the daily crime log under certain circumstances. If any information is to be temporarily withheld from the daily crime log, the specific justification will be thoroughly documented within the case report as a follow-up.
The appropriate investigations unit supervisor will notify the superintendent for public safety of any information that is received regarding vice, significant drug, or organized crime complaints. The appropriate investigations unit supervisor will also provide timely updates to the superintendent for public safety on any ongoing vice, drug, or organized crime investigations.
Related Information
Indiana University Police Department
- G13.1.3 Follow-Up Investigations
- G16.3.3 Daily Crime Log