G13.2.6 Referral to Campus Disciplinary Systems
Chapter: Chapter 13 – Investigative Services
Sub-Chapter: 13.2 - Special Investigative Operations
Effective Date: 02/07/2023
Revised Date: 02/07/2023
Rescinds: None
To describe the Indiana University Police Department’s (IUPD) procedures for referring violations of law and university policies to the appropriate university office for administrative review.
General Order
The IUPD maintains collaborative working relationships with other university officials who are responsible for administrative disciplinary action. The IUPD will make timely reports to the appropriate university office for law or university policy violations that are known to the IUPD and involve members of the campus community.
Position responsible for overseeing disciplinary referral process (13.2.6 a)
The Clery compliance coordinators at each IUPD division are responsible for overseeing the process of ensuring referrals are made to the appropriate university office.
Types of incidents to be referred (13.2.6 b)
Types of incidents involving members of the campus community that will be referred include, but are not limited to:
- Violations of UA-03 Discrimination, Harassment, and Sexual Misconduct policy
- Violations of the IU Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Conduct
- Violations of campus housing policies
- Weapons law violations
- Drug law violations
- Liquor law violations
- Violations of other Indiana criminal codes as deemed appropriate in consultation with the appropriate university office
Office to which referrals should be made (13.2.6 c)
The appropriate university office who should receive the referral is guided by IU policy and is dependent on the nature of the incident and the affiliation of the involved parties. University offices receiving referrals include but may not be limited to the Office of Institutional Equity, Office of Equal Opportunity, applicable student affairs offices (Student Conduct, Dean of Students, or Housing) or IU Human Resources.
Information, evidence, or documents included in the referral (13.2.6 d)
IUPD incident reports are the primary document included in the referral. Incident reports may be redacted to the extent allowed by state and federal law. To ensure the integrity of a criminal investigation, any written statements from victims or witnesses or evidence gathered during IUPD’s criminal investigation will not be provided in the referral.
Timing of referral relative to criminal proceedings (13.2.6 e)
IUPD recognizes the importance of concurrent administrative and criminal proceedings. Administrative referrals will not be delayed because of criminal proceedings, except for the collection of evidence. The IUPD’s Clery compliance coordinators will ensure that referrals to the appropriate office are completed in a timely manner.
Related Information
Indiana University
- Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities, & Conduct
- UA-03 Discrimination, Harassment, and Sexual Misconduct
- UA-16 Clery Act Compliance