G14.1.2 Collecting-Preserving Evidence
Chapter: Chapter 14 – Collection and Preservation of Evidence
Sub-Chapter: 14.1 - Evidence Collection
Effective Date: 11/01/2019
Revised Date: 02/08/2023
Rescinds: G14.1.1 – 11/1/2019
To provide guidelines and procedures the Indiana University Police Department (IUPD) will follow for the proper identification, preservation, and collection of evidence in the field, including the chain of custody.
General Order
The IUPD recognizes that successful investigations and criminal prosecutions are directly linked to a thorough evidence collection and preservation process and documentation. To ensure evidence is properly identified, collected, handled, and secured, the IUPD will follow the guidelines and procedures outlined in this general order ensuring the chain of custody is documented and maintained.
The first officer to arrive at any incident scene will be responsible for securing the area and preserving all observable evidence. Collection and preservation of evidence should not begin until the entire area has been secured and declared safe. The scene will be secured and the evidence protected through the use of natural barriers and/or crime scene tape.
The overall scene will be assessed prior to evidence collection in order to develop a plan for working within the crime scene without unnecessarily destroying or contaminating evidence.
Discretion should be used when determining what evidence to process at the scene. Such decisions will be based on the seriousness of the offense, officer expertise, the probative value, and the processing materials available.
The progression of evidentiary related tasks should generally be as follows, but may change depending on the nature of the scene:
- Secure the scene;
- Photograph and/or video record evidence;
- Sketch the scene;
- Develop potential evidence for latent prints;
- Label and collect evidence;
- Transport and appropriately store evidence;
- Analyze evidence.
Evidence encountered at a scene will be handled with care to preserve it for future processing. All personnel will wear appropriate personal protective equipment when handling evidence. At minimum, gloves will be worn. If an item is to be collected for DNA analysis, a mask that covers the nose and mouth will also be worn. All evidence will be packaged in accordance with the IUPD Property and Evidence Packaging & Submission Manual and sealed with a heat seal or by using evidence tape. All items submitted as evidence will contain the following information on the packaging:
- Agency,
- Case number,
- Property number,
- Date recovered,
- Officer name and unit number,
- Brief description of the evidence,
- Indication on if the item is found property, personal property, contraband to be destroyed, or to be sent to a laboratory.
Each item of evidence will be inventoried using the IUPD’s Records Management System (RMS). The system contains provisions for recording the following: case number, offense, property number, date seized, owner/suspect identifiers, current location, item descriptions, disposition, and chain of custody information. The evidence custodian will review the evidence records entered into the RMS to ensure accuracy. If corrections need to be made, the evidence custodian will notify the intake officer and their supervisor of the corrections needed. The intake officer will make the necessary corrections during their next shift.
Related Information
Indiana University Police Department
- IUPD Property and Evidence Packaging & Submission Manual