G14.1.9 Submission for Laboratory Analysis
Chapter: Chapter 14 – Collection and Preservation of Evidence
Sub-Chapter: 14.1 - Evidence Collection
Effective Date: 11/01/2019
Revised Date: 02/08/2023
Rescinds: G14.1.1 - 11/1/2019
To identify the procedures that the Indiana University Police Department (IUPD) will follow when submitting evidence to a forensic laboratory.
General Order
When submitting evidence to a forensic laboratory, the IUPD will package, label and submit the evidence consistent with the receiving laboratory requirements. The chain of custody will be carefully maintained and documented for each piece of evidence.
Once an item is placed into evidence, the evidence custodian is responsible for ensuring the chain of custody is maintained and documented in the IUPD Records Management System (RMS). The investigator in charge of an investigation is responsible for requesting lab examinations for any evidence concerning their case. Any request for examinations will be communicated to the evidence custodian. The evidence custodian is responsible for submitting the evidence to an appropriate laboratory for examination. (14.1.9 a) Evidence will be submitted to a laboratory in person, via certified U.S. Mail, or via FedEx/UPS with tracking information. In person is the preferred method. Receipts that document the chain of custody will be obtained then scanned and attached to the property record in the RMS. (14.1.9 d) All documentation pertaining to the mailing or shipping of an item of evidence will be recorded and attached to the property record in the RMS.
The evidence will be packaged and labeled in a manner consistent with accepted professional standards, as outlined in the IUPD Property and Evidence Packaging & Submission Manual, and in accordance with the receiving laboratory’s requirements. Blood, blood-stained objects, physiological stains/tissue, biological materials, controlled substances, and drug paraphernalia will be securely packaged. Biohazard labels will be affixed as required. Weapons will be packaged and handled in a safe condition. (14.1.9 b)
The documentation required for each item of evidence submitted for examination is dependent on the specific receiving laboratory’s guidelines and requirements. Investigators will complete all required documentation that will accompany each item of evidence to the lab. Investigators will attach copies of this documentation in IUPD’s RMS. (14.1.9 c)
Related Information
Indiana University Police Department
- F14.1.9-1 Digital Forensics Request Form
- IUPD Property and Evidence Packaging & Submission Manual
- Mobile Device Search Warrant Template