G15.1.1 Property-Evidence Management
Chapter: Chapter 15 – Property and Evidence Control
Sub-Chapter: 15.1 - Property and Evidence Control
Effective Date: 11/01/2019
Revised Date: 03/16/2023
Rescinds: G15.1 – 11/1/2019
To identify the Indiana University Police Department (IUPD) personnel responsible for the management of property and evidence and the storage facilities.
General Order
The IUPD has identified property and evidence custodians who are responsible for the contents and management of the temporary and long-term property and evidence storage facilities at their respective divisions.
Evidence – any substance or material found or recovered in connection with a criminal investigation.
In-custody property – anything that is held in police custody which has been found, turned in, abandoned, or held for safekeeping, and is not believed to be connected to, or part of, a criminal or possible criminal offense.
Property and Evidence Management
The property custodians are responsible for the management of all in-custody property that comes into the possession of the IUPD. The evidence custodians are responsible for the management of all evidence that comes into the possession of the IUPD. These employees may be sworn or non-sworn and may also have other duties. Each IUPD location will identify the property and/or evidence custodian(s).
The evidence custodians will receive initial training and continuing education to ensure best practices are followed in managing the evidence storage.
The property and evidence custodians will:
- maintain written records that reflect the chain of custody for each item,
- ensure the in-custody property and evidence are stored under conditions that prevent loss or tampering,
- ensure all physical security controls are in place and functioning properly,
- attempt to return the in-custody property to the rightful owner, and
- properly dispose of each item in a timely fashion.