G15.1.7 Audit and Inspections
Chapter: Chapter 15 – Property and Evidence Control
Sub-Chapter: 15.1 - Property and Evidence Control
Effective Date: 11/01/2019
Revised Date: 03/16/2023
Rescinds: G15.1 – 11/1/2019
To describe the inspection, audit, and inventory of the Indiana University Police Department’s (IUPD) property and evidence storage areas.
General Order
The IUPD’s property and evidence custodians are accountable for all property within their control. The IUPD will conduct periodical inspections, audits, and inventories of all property and evidence storage areas.
Audit – a documented accounting of high-risk items (e.g. cash, precious metals, jewelry, firearms, and drugs) and other evidence and in-custody property to establish that all property is accounted for and records can reasonably be assumed correct. This methodical examination and review of a sampling of items will be at least ten percent. The goal is to ensure compliance with established controls, policies and operational procedures, and to recommend any necessary changes.
Evidence – any substance or material found or recovered in connection with a criminal investigation.
In-custody property – anything that is held in police custody which has been found, turned in, abandoned, or held for safekeeping, and is not believed to be connected to, or part of, a criminal or possible criminal offense.
Inspection – the process of comparing of an individual or an organizational component against established standards, such as policies, procedures, practices, or expected behaviors. Inspections are conducted to ensure:
- the property room is being maintained in a clean and orderly fashion,
- the integrity of the property is being maintained,
- the provisions of the IUPD’s general orders and the IUPD’s Property and Evidence Packaging & Submission Manual are being followed,
- the property is being protected from damage or deterioration,
- proper accountability procedures are being maintained, and
- property is being disposed of promptly and appropriately.
Inventory – the process for accounting for items in the property rooms and reconciling them against the records. The purpose is to ensure the continuity of custody and is used to ensure a system of integrity and property accountability.
Inspection by property and evidence custodian (15.1.7 a)
An inspection of all in-custody property and evidence locations will be completed at least once per calendar year. This inspection will be conducted by the property and/or evidence custodian, or their designee, responsible for each in-custody property and/or evidence storage locations. The goal of this annual inspection is to ensure adherence to general orders and procedures for the control of property and evidence.
Unannounced inspection and audit (15.1.7 b)
At least once per calendar year, the superintendent for public safety will direct the completion of an unannounced inspection of all IUPD’s in-custody property and evidence storage areas.
At least once per calendar year, the superintendent for public safety will direct the completion of an audit of in-custody property and evidence.
The inspection and audit will be completed by an employee selected by the superintendent for public safety. The selected employee will not be routinely or directly connected with the property and evidence functions.
Inventory (15.1.7 c, d)
An inventory of the relevant in-custody property and/or evidence will be conducted when a property and/or evidence custodian is assigned to and/or transferred from the property and evidence control function. This inventory will be conducted jointly by the newly designated property and/or evidence custodian and a designee named by the superintendent for public safety. Whenever possible, the out-going custodian will also participate in the inventory.
During the inventory, records will be carefully reviewed. Any discrepancies will be recorded prior to the assumption of the property accountability by the newly designated property and/or evidence custodian. The newly designated property and/or evidence custodian will ensure that all records are correct and properly annotated.
When there is a personnel change in the superintendent for public safety position, an inventory of all IUPD in-custody property and evidence locations will be conducted when the new superintendent for public safety assumes control of the IUPD