G16.1.2 Required Incident Reporting
Chapter: Chapter 16 – Records and Information Management
Sub-Chapter: 16.1 - Reports and Records System
Effective Date: 08/02/2023
Revised Date: 08/02/2023
Rescinds: None
To list the instances under which the Indiana University Police Department (IUPD) will create a record in the department’s Records Management System (RMS).
General Order
In order to develop a comprehensive reporting system containing reliable information, the IUPD will record actions taken by law enforcement or civilian security personnel whether in response to a call for service or assistance or self-initiated activity. All records will be maintained within the RMS.
Required Incident Reporting
A record will be created within the IUPD’s RMS for all of the following instances:
- Reports of crimes; (16.1.2 a)
- Violations of Indiana University policy; (16.1.2 a)
- Calls for service or assistance to individuals, whether performed on or off campus; (16.1.2 b)
- Incidents or activity initiated by the sworn or non-sworn employee; (16.1.2 c)
- Assistance provided to outside public safety agencies or other university departments performing official duties on campus property; (16.1.2 d) and
- Incidents involving arrests, citations, or summonses. (16.1.2 e)
All activity will be documented within the Computer Aided Dispatch system. Depending on the nature of the incident a case report may be required as described in G16.1.1 Field Reporting System.
Related Information
Indiana University Police Department
- G16.1.1 Field Reporting System