G16.2.2 Collecting-Submitting Crime Data
Chapter: Chapter 16 – Records and Information Management
Sub-Chapter: 16.2 - Reports and Records Distribution
Effective Date: 03/06/2019
Revised Date: 08/02/2023
Rescinds: S19-03 – 3/6/2019
To describe the process the Indiana University Police Department (IUPD) will follow for collecting and submitting crime data to various governmental reporting programs.
General Order
The IUPD participates in state and national crime reporting programs. Such participation assists in effective internal records maintenance and aids in the effort to establish databases of crime statistics. Department crime data is collected via completed case reports within the IUPD’s Records Management System (RMS) and submitted to the appropriate entity in a timely manner.
Uniform Crime Reporting Program
In compliance with Indiana Code (IC) 10-13-2-6, the IUPD provides statistical data to the Indiana State Police for its participation in the Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Program, National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS). The IUPD has been certified by the Indiana State Police to verify standards are being met and for the accuracy of the data being published. IU Public Safety’s director for compliance and director for information technology and systems are responsible for coordinating the IUPD’s NIBRS reporting.
NIBRS data is collected through data and information contained within case reports. This data and information include, but is not limited to, types and location of offenses, bias motivation, types and amount of property stolen or damaged, types and quantity of drugs seized, demographic information about victims, offenders, and arrested persons, types of weapons used, and law enforcement officers killed and assaulted.
IU Public Safety’s project management specialist reviews each case report and completes the NIBRS required information. The director for information technology and systems extracts NIBRS data from the RMS and submits the report to the Indiana State Police. Any rejected data will be reviewed, corrected, and resubmitted if appropriate.
Clery Act Crime Statistics Reporting
IU Public Safety’s director for compliance is responsible for ensuring all IUPD divisions accurately collect, review, and report Clery Act crime statistics to the U.S. Department of Education (ED). The IUPD has designated Campus Safety Survey Administrators who are responsible for submitting the Clery Act crime statistics to the Campus Safety and Security Survey (CSSS) via ED’s web-based system by the deadline indicated by ED each year. The crime statistics published in the Annual Security Report will match the crime statistics submitted to ED via their CSSS.
Indiana Bias Crime Reporting
IU Public Safety’s director for compliance is responsible for ensuring all IUPD divisions submit information on bias crimes, as defined in IC 10-13-3-1, to the Indiana central repository. Each IUPD location has a designated employee who completes the electronic bias crime report via the Automated Reporting Information Exchange System (ARIES) portal. Bias crime data will be tabulated on a quarterly basis. In compliance with IC 10-13-3-38, the IUPD will submit information concerning bias crimes to the state’s central repository at least two (2) times each year.
Related Information
Indiana Code
- 10-13-2-6 Public officials; reporting requirements; cooperation with division; reporting noncompliance
- 10-13-3-1 “Bias crime”
- 10-13-3-38 Collection of bias crime information; reports