G17.1.5 Emergency Response and Evacuation Testing Procedures
Chapter: Chapter 17 – Critical Incident and Emergency Management
Sub-Chapter: 17.1 - Critical Incident and Emergency Planning
Effective Date: 05/31/2019
Revised Date: 03/28/2022
Rescinds: G17-01 – 5/31/2019
To describe the Indiana University Police Department’s (IUPD) role in participating in a testing of campus emergency response and evacuation procedures.
General Order
The IUPD will participate in Indiana University’s testing of emergency response and evacuation procedures.
At least one test a year (17.1.5 a)
In compliance with the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (Clery Act), Indiana University conducts a test of emergency response and evacuation procedures at least once per calendar year. Although these tests are coordinated by Indiana University Emergency Management and Continuity (IUEMC), the IUPD is an active participant in regularly scheduled drills, exercises, and appropriate follow-through activities which are designed for assessment and evaluation of emergency plans and capabilities.
Maintaining documentation (17.1.5 b)
Documentation describing each test is recorded by IUEMC. The information recorded includes a description of the test, date, time, and whether the test was announced or unannounced. The IUPD’s participation in the test will be documented with IUEMC’s records maintained from the test.
Distribution of a notice publicizing the emergency response and evacuation procedures to the campus community (17.1.5 c)
In conjunction with the test, IUEMC distributes a notice publicizing the emergency response and evacuation procedures to the campus community members. This serves as a notice to the campus community disclosing what the test will entail and what procedures should be followed.
Indiana University Emergency Management and Continuity also coordinates with the building safety chairs to update and distribute the building emergency action plans to all permanent building occupants.
Information about the university’s emergency response and evacuation testing procedures are also included in the Annual Security Report, which is distributed by IU Public Safety to the entire university community each fall.
Related Information
Indiana University
- UA-16 Clery Act Compliance
US Department of Education
- The Handbook for Campus Safety and Security Reporting, 2016 Edition: (Rescinded October 9, 2020)