G3.2.1 Shift Assignments
Chapter: Chapter 03: Personnel Services
Sub-Chapter: 3.2 - Conditions of Employment
Effective Date: 01/25/2024
Revised Date: 11/05/2024
Rescinds: G3.2.1 – 1/25/2024
To describe the process for determining shift assignments and regular days off for the Indiana University Police Department (IUPD) personnel.
General Order
The IUPD’s shift assignment process ensures that the operational needs, goals, and objectives are met while also assigning employees to shifts in accordance with established Indiana University (IU) policy. Shift assignments for full-time employees assigned to patrol, investigations, or dispatch are determined by conducting an annual shift bid. Part-time employees are assigned to shifts as needed at the discretion of their supervisor.
Patrol Operations Personnel
Each division’s highest-ranking leader, in consultation with the deputy superintendent; campus chief law enforcement officer, determines the patrol operations shift schedule (work hours and regular days off) that will be used at their respective division to meet the operational needs, goals, and objectives.
Each division will conduct an annual shift bid process. Generally, the shift bid process will be conducted in the fall, with any changes being effective in January of the following year. Changes to shift assignments may occur outside this standard timeframe based on operational necessity.
All eligible employees will be provided information regarding the annual shift bid opportunity and the deadline to submit their shift preference. Shift bid priority is based on occupational unit seniority, which includes the occupational unit seniority of transferred employees. Distribution of resources and departmental operational needs may also be taken into consideration. The shift bid results will be provided to employees at least sixty (60) days before the shift effective date.
Officers who are in field training may be assigned to different shifts for training purposes. Shift assignments for officers in field training are made at the discretion of the division’s field training coordinator. Upon successful completion of the field training program, officers will be assigned to a shift where there is a vacancy and will have the opportunity to participate in the next shift bid process.
Investigations Personnel
Each district investigations lieutenant, in consultation with the director for investigations, determines the shift schedule (work hours and regular days off) for their respective investigations personnel to meet the operational needs, goals, and objectives.
If there are shifts that contain different work hours and/or regular days off, then the shift assignments will be based on occupational unit seniority after an annual shift bid. Generally, the shift bid process will be conducted in the fall, with any changes being effective in January of the following year. Changes to shift assignments may occur outside this standard timeframe based on operational necessity.
All eligible employees will be provided information regarding the annual shift bid opportunity and the deadline to submit their shift preference. Shift bid priority is based on occupational unit seniority, which includes the occupational unit seniority of transferred employees. The shift bid results will be provided to employees at least sixty (60) days before the shift effective date.
Dispatch Communications Center Personnel
The director for dispatch communications, in consultation with the deputy superintendent for administration and support services, determines the shift schedule (work hours and regular days off) for the dispatch communications center to meet the operational needs, goals and objectives.
The dispatch communications center will conduct an annual shift bid process. Generally, the shift bid process will be conducted in the fall, with any changes being effective in January of the following year. Changes to shift assignments may occur outside this standard timeframe based on operational necessity.
All eligible employees will be provided information regarding the annual shift bid opportunity and the deadline to submit their shift preference. Shift preference is given in order of occupational unit seniority.
Dispatchers who are in field training may be assigned to different shifts for training purposes. Shift assignments for dispatchers in field training are made at the discretion of the dispatch communications supervisor. Upon successful completion of the communications field training program, dispatchers will be assigned to a shift where there is a vacancy and will have the opportunity to participate in the next shift bid process.
Administrative Personnel
Supervisors will approve the work schedules of their direct reports, ensuring the operational needs of the IUPD and the requirements of the specific employee’s role are met.
Related Information
Indiana University
- HR-02-120 Seniority Date and Service Credit
- HR-06-10 Alternative Work Schedules
- HR-06-60 Work Hours for Exempt Staff Who Are Not Eligible for Overtime
- HR-06-70 Work Schedules and Hours for Non-Exempt Employees