G3.2.2 Leave Requests
Chapter: Chapter 03: Personnel Services
Sub-Chapter: 3.2 - Conditions of Employment
Effective Date: 01/25/2024
Revised Date: 01/25/2024
Rescinds: None
To describe the process for submission and approval of leave time, including procedures for resolving conflicting leave requests, for the Indiana University Police Department (IUPD) personnel.
General Order
Indiana University (IU) recognizes that employees need time off from workplace demands and has several policies in place that describe the time off and leave benefits for employees. This general order is intended to supplement applicable IU policy and describe the process of requesting and approving time off using vacation time, paid time off, income protection time, paid time off sick leave, or holiday. Any other leave of absence that is covered under applicable IU policy will be coordinated by the senior director for public safety or designee, in consultation with Indiana University Human Resources as appropriate.
Peak Work Periods (Blocked Dates)
There are certain times during the year that are identified as a peak work period in which non-emergency time off is routinely restricted due to operational needs. These time periods are communicated to all personnel as soon as possible, though generally thirty (30) days in advance.
Non-Exempt Staff
Vacation Time and Holiday Time
Vacation time is governed by IU policy HR-05-120 and holiday time is governed by IU policy HR-05-30. Employees wishing to request time off under either of these policies will submit their requests to their supervisor using the department’s scheduling software. Supervisors will review the request and approve or disapprove the request in a timely manner.
AFSCME Police staff will submit their vacation requests at least three (3) working days in advance. The supervisor will approve or disapprove the request within three (3) working days of the request, or the request is automatically approved on the fourth working day. Requests will be honored in the order in which they are received. In the event requests are submitted simultaneously, preference will be given based on occupational unit seniority. Vacation requests submitted with less than three working days’ notice may still be approved and will be reviewed on a case by case basis.
Dispatch communications personnel will submit their requests at least twelve (12) calendar days in advance. Generally, the supervisor will approve requests submitted at least twelve (12) calendar days in advance if the date(s) has(have) not been previously identified as a blocked date and the dispatch communications center has adequate staffing. Requests for time off with fewer than twelve (12) calendar days notice may be denied, depending on the reason for the absence, and will be reviewed on a case by case basis. If more than one employee requests the same time off, the first employee to make the request will have the priority for approval. In the event requests are submitted simultaneously, preference will be given according to occupational unit seniority.
Income Protection Time (Sick Time)
Income protection time is governed by IU policy HR-05-40 which outlines the circumstances under which income protection time may be used. In addition, supervisors may require the employee to provide a licensed physician’s statement under certain circumstances before approving the use of income protection time.
Employees will notify the appropriate supervisor as soon as possible when the employee intends to use income protection time.
Dispatch communications personnel requesting to use income protection time should notify the lead dispatcher or dispatch supervisor at least four (4) hours prior to the start of their scheduled shift. Dispatch communications personnel are authorized to use other available accrued time off if they do not have sufficient accrued income protection time and the employee has no active formal or informal discipline.
Exempt Staff
Paid time off (PTO) and PTO sick leave are governed by IU policy HR-05-70; holiday time is governed by IU policy HR-05-30. Employees wishing to use PTO or accrued holiday time will submit their request to their supervisor in writing. Supervisors will review the request and approve or disapprove the request in a timely manner.
Employees will notify their supervisor as soon as possible when the employee intends to use PTO sick leave. Supervisors may require confirmation of illness or injury through a licensed physician’s statement.
Related Information
Indiana University
- HR-05-10 Discretionary Leave of Absence
- HR-05-20 Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) Rights
- HR-05-30 Holidays
- HR-05-40 Income Protection Time (Sick Time)
- HR-05-60 Leaves for Military Duty and Military Families
- HR-05-61 Paid Living Donor Leave
- HR-05-65 Paid Parental Leave
- HR-05-70 Paid Time Off (PTO) for Exempt Staff and Non-Exempt Non-Union PAO and PAU Staff
- HR-05-110 Time Off for Funerals and Bereavement
- HR-05-120 Vacation Time
- HR-05-130 Time Off for Voting, Jury Duty, and Witness Testimony