G3.3.1 Part-Time Officers
Chapter: Chapter 03: Personnel Services
Sub-Chapter: 3.3 - Alternative Staffing Resources
Effective Date: 08/31/2023
Revised Date: 08/31/2023
Rescinds: None
To establish the training and utilization of sworn and non-sworn part-time employees for the Indiana University Police Department (IUPD).
General Order
The IUPD employs sworn part-time officers (class I and class II) and non-sworn cadets and security officers. All sworn part-time officers maintain an Indiana law enforcement certification. All part-time employees will complete all IUPD required training and are assigned to perform functions only for which they have been trained.
Cadet – A non-sworn part-time employee for the IUPD. These employees are participants of the Cadet Officer Program (COP) and are students at Indiana University.
Part-time officer (Class I) – A sworn part-time employee for the IUPD, who is not a participant of the COP, and is a current Indiana Law Enforcement Training Board (LETB) Tier I certified officer. This also includes full-time employees who serve in a civilian position but maintain their LETB Tier I certification through the IUPD.
Part-time officer (Class II) – A sworn part-time employee for the IUPD. These employees are participants of the COP, are students at Indiana University, and have successfully graduated from the Indiana University Police Academy.
Selection and entry-level training (3.3.1 a)
The selection process for part-time employees will follow the applicable process as outlined in G5.2.1 Selection Processes. Selection criteria for part-time employees will be the same as for the equivalent full-time employees, with the exception to be eligible for the COP, applicants must be a full-time student at Indiana University and in good academic standing.
In accordance with G6.2.1 Entry-Level Training, all part-time employees will complete the onboarding and training program as assigned.
Maintaining certification (3.3.1 b)
All sworn part-time officers will have successfully completed all phases of an Indiana LETB Tier I Basic Course and will maintain their certifications as required by the LETB.
Training, duties, and responsibilities (3.3.1 c, d, e)
Part-time employees will participate in an on-the job training program that is tailored to the duties and responsibilities that the employee is expected to perform. (3.3.1 c) All training programs will be conducted under the direction and supervision of the director for professional standards and education, or designee. All part-time officers are only assigned to perform functions for which they have been trained and will not be assigned nor will they perform any task or duty for which they have not received training. (3.3.1 d)
All part-time employees are expected to comply with all IUPD written directives and will complete all IUPD in-service training requirements as assigned. (3.3.1 c) All part-time officers will be trained in IUPD’s use of force general orders and tested for weapons proficiency during annual in-service training with full-time officers. (3.3.1 e)
Related Information
Indiana University Police Department
- G5.2.1 Selection Processes
- G6.2.1 Entry-Level Training