G4.1.1 Code of Conduct and Appearance Guidelines
Chapter: Chapter 04: Conduct and Professional Standards
Sub-Chapter: 4.1 - Professional Conduct
Effective Date: 04/15/2016
Revised Date: 06/02/2023
Rescinds: G05-04-02 – 7/10/2017 G4.1.1 – 1/8/2020 S19-10 – 11/18/2019 S20.22.01 – 6/14/2022
To establish a code of conduct and appearance regulations for Indiana University Police Department (IUPD) personnel.
General Order
Employees of the IUPD will conduct themselves both on and off duty in a manner that reflects high ethical standards consistent with the mission and values established by the IUPD, the Principles of Ethical Conduct established by Indiana University, and the expectations of the community we serve.
All IUPD personnel, through their dress and appearance, will present themselves in a manner that reflects the integrity and professionalism of the IUPD. All IUPD employees will be well-groomed, clean and neat while on duty. To maintain a consistent and unified appearance of uniformed IUPD personnel, the standards described in this general order have been established. Personnel will maintain their uniforms and equipment in a clean and serviceable condition.
Code of Conduct
All IUPD employees will follow the Principles of Ethical Conduct established by Indiana University. These principles are intended as a high level statement of values and expectations and help promote an organizational culture that encourages ethical conduct and a commitment to compliance with the law and university codes, policies, and procedures. As employees of Indiana University, all IUPD personnel are held to the following standards of conduct:
- Act ethically and with integrity.
- Be fair and respectful to others.
- Manage responsibly.
- Protect and preserve university resources.
- Promote a culture of compliance with applicable laws, regulations, and policies.
- Preserve academic freedom and meet academic responsibilities.
- Ethically conduct teaching and research.
- Refrain from conflicts of interest and commitment.
- Carefully manage public, private, and confidential information.
- Promote health and safety in the workplace.
Additional standards of conduct for all IUPD employees have been established to meet the special requirements of the IUPD. These work rules are as follows:
- Employees will maintain a high level of moral conduct in their personal and business affairs and will act, both on and off duty, in a manner that reflects favorably upon the IUPD. Conduct unbecoming of an employee will include behavior that brings the IUPD into disrepute, reflects discredit upon the employee or the IUPD, impairs the operation or efficiency of the employee or the IUPD, or impairs the ability to perform as an employee of a law enforcement agency. Employees will obey all applicable oaths of office and codes of ethics. Employees will be courteous, civil, and respectful to, and in their interactions with, their subordinates, supervisors, other IUPD personnel, university officials, and all community members while on and off duty. In the performance of their duties, employees should not use violent or insolent language or gestures.
- Employees will not commit or omit any acts that constitute a violation of any IUPD or university rule, regulation, policy, procedure, directive, or order. Employees will be thoroughly familiar with state statutes and directives that deal specifically and generally with their assigned duties. Employees will immediately report to their supervisors any member who does not obey any order, directive, or law.
- Employees will not knowingly issue an order that violates any law, statute, university policy, or directive.
- Employees will report to their supervisor any time they are contacted by a law enforcement officer and subject to potential criminal enforcement action.
- Employees will avoid regular associations or dealings with persons whom they know, or should know, are under criminal investigation or have a reputation for being involved in criminal behavior, except in the performance of duty or where unavoidable because of other personal relationships.
- Employees will not engage or participate in any form of illegal gambling, nor knowingly visit or frequent a location in which the law is knowingly violated, except in the performance of official duty.
- Employees will not consume intoxicating substances while on duty. Employees will not report for duty, or be on duty, while under the influence of intoxicants to any degree whatsoever, or with an odor of intoxicants about their person. Employees will not report for duty or perform duty when the use of any drug or medication, whether prescribed or over the counter (i.e., cold or cough medicines), impairs their job performance or judgment.
- Employees are prohibited from purchasing or drinking alcoholic beverages while wearing any visible IUPD or Indiana University Police Academy (IUPA) badge, patch, logo or other indicators that would be reasonably identifiable as police.
- Employees will not make false or untrue statements during the course of their duties except as required during undercover assignments or while conducting an interview or interrogation.
- Employees are prohibited from using their uniform, identification card, badge, or position to solicit a business for personal transactions. This does not prohibit an employee from benefiting from a regular business practice that provides discounts or special deals for law enforcement officers.
- While on duty, employees are expected to perform their work duties and will not engage in prolonged periods of non-employment related activities.
- Employees operating university vehicles will not use personal electronic devices in a manner which distracts them from the safe operation of the vehicle.
- In accordance with Indiana Code (IC) 3-14-1-6, sworn personnel are permitted to engage in permissible activities as described in IC 3-14-1-6, including voting while wearing their issued uniform or while on duty. However sworn personnel are prohibited from performing any election related function while wearing any identifying IUPD insignia or article of clothing that is part of their issued uniform or while on duty.
- In accordance with IU policy HR-07-50 Political Activity and GR-01 Contact with State Officials, Federal Officials, and Political Campaigns, and Other Political Activities, employees are prohibited from engaging in political activities while on duty. Employees are prohibited from using IU’s electronic resources (including email) for advocacy on behalf of a candidate or political party. Employees are permitted to hold elected or appointed public office provided it does not interfere with their employment with IUPD.
- An employee during the scope of their official duties, and outside the requirements of G9.1.7 Use of Audio/Video Recorders, will not video and/or audio record another employee without the consent of the other employee. For the purposes of any criminal investigation involving IUPD employees, the IUPD may video and/or audio record any interactions with employees without notice to employees.
- Acceptance of cash or any other item, given to an employee for the purpose of influencing or compromising an employee’s position, or otherwise in violation of IU policy UA-17, Conflicts of Interest and Commitment, is prohibited. Consistent with UA-17, acceptance of gifts where there is no attempt to influence an employee’s official position, such as a gift from a visiting dignitary and/or other public safety officials, with de minimis value may be accepted (e.g. other agency law enforcement patches, challenge coins, or gift bags at conferences and events where the item(s) is (are) provided or made available to all attendees).
- Employees will submit all necessary reports and paperwork on time and in accordance with established IUPD procedures. Written documentation submitted by employees will be truthful and complete and will not contain any opinions of an IUPD employee. No employee will knowingly enter, or cause to be entered, any inaccurate, false, or improper information.
- Employees will treat the official business of the IUPD as confidential. Information regarding official business will be disseminated only to those for whom it is intended in accordance with established IUPD procedures. Employees will not disclose the identity of persons giving confidential information, except as authorized by proper authority.
- A uniformed or plainclothes officer will provide their name, unit number, and agency upon request if the request does not interfere with an investigation or jeopardize the officer’s safety. Plainclothes officers will present a badge prior to taking police action. Plainclothes officers will wear a visible form of identification when interacting with other police officers in tactical situations and special events. When plainclothes officers are challenged by a uniformed police officer, the responsibility lies with the plainclothes officer to establish their identification and to have it acknowledged by the uniformed officer. In emergency or tactical operations where immediate identification is not feasible, the officer will provide reasonable identification upon request as soon as possible. Officers will verbally identify themselves when engaged in official duties while on the phone.
- Civilian employees will provide their unit number to any person requesting the information.
- Employees will report for duty and be physically and mentally fit and at the time and place required by their assignment or orders. Employees will be properly equipped and cognizant of the information required for the proper performance of duty so that they may immediately assume their duties. Employees assigned to attend training will report directly to the training location at the designated time and date as directed. Judicial subpoenas constitute an order to report for duty.
- Employees will log into and check the contents of their IU email account and their task list in the IUPD application at least one time during each work period. It is further expected that employees act on any official requests or direction in a timely fashion. Public safety dispatchers will have their IU email open and accessible and frequently check their email during their entire shift.
- Employees will not feign illness or injury, falsely report themselves ill or injured, or otherwise deceive or attempt to deceive any official of the IUPD as to the condition of their health. This does not prohibit the proper use of university-provided accruals as provided in the applicable university policy (e.g. vacation, income protection time, paid time off, etc.).
- Employees will not leave their assigned duty unless properly relieved or by permission of a supervisor.
- Employees will not permit the use of any IUPD issued identification card, badge, or official document by unauthorized persons.
- Formal statements, speeches, public appearances, testimonials, or advertisements that could reasonably be considered to represent the views of the IUPD must be authorized by the superintendent for public safety or deputy superintendent for public safety. Participating in community engagement events and activities that are consistent with the IUPD’s goals and objectives and IUPD’s mission statement are permissible and encouraged.
- Employees will not recommend during the course of their official duties, or suggest the service, of any person, company or other organization doing business for profit. This includes, but is not limited to, the use of tow services, vehicle repair shops, attorneys, bail bondsmen, or other technical or professional services. In the case of ambulance or towing service, when such service is necessary, and the person needing the service is unable or unwilling to procure it or request assistance, officers will proceed in accordance with established university contracted or public service.
- The IUPD operates a student centric training program that allows IU students to progress from a cadet, police academy recruit, and finally a part time officer (class II). This IUPD Cadet Officer Program (COP) is designed to be a two-year training program which includes the Indiana University Police Academy. The student employees are considered in training from the moment they begin as cadets, during their time as recruits in the IUPA and after graduation from the IUPA when they become part time officers (class II). It is essential for the integrity of the COP and the IUPA that there be parameters by which all other IUPD employees engage with COP participants to ensure an environment conducive to professional development, learning, and growth.
- Indiana University policy UA-17 Conflicts of Interest and Commitment helps to ensure personal relationships do not interfere with objective judgement in decisions affecting university employment or the academic progress of a community member or a student. The student employees participating in the COP are part time student employees.
- Beyond UA-17, fraternization, and specifically personal or romantic relationships, between participants of the COP and any other IUPD employee is strictly prohibited.
- Participants in the COP will not develop or attempt to develop a non-professional, personal, dating, or intimate relationship with any IUPD employee who is not part of the COP for the duration of their participation in the COP.
- Participants in the COP will immediately bring to the attention of the academy director or the division chief of police any known family relations or special relationships, past or present, with any IUPD employee who is not part of the COP. The academy director or the division chief of police will document the relationship through an inter-department memo. Familial relationships that constitute nepotism must be reported and managed as directed by IU’s UA-17 Conflicts of Interest and Commitment policy.
- Strictly group social contact between COP participants and other IUPD employees who are not COP participants is permitted.
- All IUPD employees who are not COP participants are prohibited from developing or attempting to develop non-professional, personal, dating, or intimate relationships with any COP participant.
- Any relationship developed while both parties are in the COP are not governed under this section if one party has a change in employment status making them no longer part of the COP. Though not governed by this section, if the relationship constitutes nepotism as defined by UA-17, university policy will govern.
Failure to follow all IUPD directives may subject the employee to corrective action, up to and including termination of employment with Indiana University. Ignorance of directives and procedures will not excuse violations.
Grooming and Appearance
All IUPD personnel are visible representatives of Indiana University and IUPD. During work hours, all employees will be well-groomed, neat, clean, and maintain good personal hygiene. Examples of improper personal hygiene include, but are not limited to, dirty fingernails, bad breath, body odor and dirty or unkempt hair. The following governs general appearance standards for all IUPD employees (unless otherwise noted):
- Head hair, style, wigs, and hairpieces will be groomed and present a professional appearance. Uniformed personnel with hair that is long enough to obstruct their vision will secure their hair in such a way as not to interfere with their line of sight with inconspicuous bobby pins, bands, ties, etc. Facial hair may be worn, provided the appearance is neat and well-groomed, and does not prevent or interfere with the use of issued safety equipment. While attending the IUPA all recruits are prohibited from wearing facial hair and will be cleanly shaven daily for all instructional periods.
- Fingernails will be clean and neatly trimmed to a length that will not pose a safety risk.
- Visible tattoos may be required to be kept covered if they undermine IUPD’s ability to maintain public trust and respect in the IUPD.
- Jewelry will present a professional image, will not pose a safety risk, and will not interfere with the employee’s job performance.
- Earrings worn by uniformed personnel will be small to minimize catching or snagging during a physical confrontation. Uniformed personnel are prohibited from wearing dangling or hanging type earrings.
- Uniformed personnel may wear one personal item on each wrist and will be professional in appearance.
- Sunglasses worn by uniformed personnel will present a professional appearance. Mirrored lenses are prohibited.
Any employee who believes they may need an accommodation for any aspect of the grooming and appearance standards covered by this general order will notify their supervisor. The senior director for public safety will assist in facilitating any accommodation request in accordance with applicable IU policy.
The division chief of police may permit exceptions to the above appearance guidelines based on operational or investigative need.
Attire and Uniforms
This section provides guidelines for attire and uniforms for all IUPD personnel while on duty. While these guidelines provide specific parameters and restrictions, no appearance protocol can cover all contingencies or opinions as to whether or not one’s particular appearance is “professional”. Final discretionary authority as to what is allowable or prohibited under these appearance guidelines rests with the superintendent for public safety, deputy superintendent for public safety or the division chief of police.
All IUPD employees are expected to dress appropriately for their positions and to maintain reasonable standards of neatness and cleanliness and present a professional and businesslike image. All clothing must be clean, free from rips, tears, fraying, and fit appropriately (not excessively tight, revealing, loose, or baggy).
Uniformed employees, sworn and non-sworn, are issued necessary uniforms and equipment and are required to account for these items. A complete list of issued items will be documented. All personnel will return to the IUPD all issued uniforms and equipment upon separation of employment.
Civilian Employee Attire
Appropriate dress for employees assigned to the dispatch communications center include casual, business casual, and business professional attire. All other civilian administrative support personnel will wear business casual or business professional attire.
Uniformed security officers will wear their IUPD issued grey polo, dark navy blue uniform pants, and plain black leather belt while on duty. Additional non-issued required clothing includes a white or black crew neck undershirt, black leather boots or all black (including sole) tennis shoes, and black or dark navy blue socks.
Sworn Employee Attire
The IUPD maintains an IUPD Officer Catalog that contains the approved uniform and equipment items. The deputy superintendent for public safety, in consultation with the superintendent for public safety, has the authority to adjust the approved items included in this catalog.
IUPD officers will not wear any uniform item, accessory or attachment unless specifically authorized by the superintendent for public safety or the deputy superintendent for public safety.
Uniforms and equipment will be maintained in a serviceable condition and be ready at all times for immediate use. Uniforms will be well maintained, neat, clean, and free from wrinkles.
Employees will only wear the uniforms specified for their rank and assignment.
Generally, civilian attire will not be worn in combination with any distinguishable part of the uniform. However, in response to an active incident in the field, sworn officers may don their ballistic body armor or equipment prior to deploying to the incident scene. In addition, investigations unit personnel are permitted to wear their issued outer carrier vest and equipment as they deem necessary to appropriately perform their duties.
Uniforms are only to be worn while on duty, during approved off duty employment, for court, at official department or university functions or events, while in transit to or from work, or when authorized by the superintendent for public safety or deputy superintendent for public safety.
Only the following elements may be affixed to the IUPD uniforms unless an exception is authorized by the superintendent for public safety or deputy superintendent for public safety.
- Shoulder patch – The authorized shoulder patch supplied by the IUPD will be machine stitched to the sleeves of all uniform shirts and jackets.
- Badge – The IUPD issued badge, or an authorized sewn-on cloth replica, must be worn above the left uniform top pocket (or equivalent location if the shirt does not have a pocket) and visible at all times while in uniform.
- Nameplate – The IUPD issued metal nameplate, or an authorized sewn-on cloth nameplate, will be worn at all times while in uniform. A metal nameplate will be centered on the left uniform top pocket flap and just below and parallel to the top seam of the pocket. A sewn-on cloth nameplate will be placed on the right side equivalent location.
- Rank insignia – The designated insignia indicating the sworn employee’s rank will be worn on shirt collars and jacket shoulder straps at all times. IUPD issues rank insignias to sergeants and above.
- Awards, service, and pins – A maximum of six (6) pins are authorized to be worn centered directly above the right uniform shirt pocket at any time. Pins will be worn in a horizontal row, maximum of three (3) in each row. Authorized pins include:
- awards, service recognition, and other pins presented to the officer by the IUPD,
- pins earned through attendance at the Indiana Law Enforcement Academy,
- pins earned through successful completion of the FBI National Academy, Southern Police Institute, Northwestern Staff and Command, Senior Management Institute for Police, or IMPD’s Leadership Academy, and
- the traditional red, white and blue American flag bar pin. Any other variation of the American flag is prohibited.
Requests to wear any other pins not listed above, including any awards, service, or commendation pins obtained from a previous law enforcement agency, will be routed through the chain of command to the superintendent for public safety or deputy superintendent for public safety for final approval.
- Mourning band – The superintendent for public safety and deputy superintendent for public safety have the authority to authorize the wearing of a mourning band across the IUPD badge for police officer line of duty deaths.
Class A dress uniform will be issued to the rank of lieutenant and above and all honor guard members. The Class A dress uniform will be worn for all formal ceremonies and at the direction of the superintendent for public safety or deputy superintendent for public safety. The dress coat will be worn over a white long sleeved uniform shirt and dark navy blue tie. Rank insignia will be worn on the shirt collar and on the jacket shoulder straps. The dress coat will have rank designation braids machine sewn on each cuff. A white crew neck t-shirt will be worn under the white dress shirt and will never be allowed to be seen rising above the collar of the dress shirt. The pants will be the traditional LAPD blue uniform trouser pants without cargo style side pocket. The pants will be worn with the approved plain black leather belt. Badge, collar rank insignia, and nameplate will be metal. Footwear will be high gloss oxford style shoe worn over navy blue or black crew length or higher socks.
Class B uniform will be issued to all sworn personnel. The short sleeved uniform shirt will be worn open at the neck and over a black, dark navy blue, or white crew neck t-shirt. Long sleeved shirts may be worn open at the neck if also worn over a black turtleneck or mock turtleneck. Long sleeved shirts will be fully buttoned at the neck if worn with a necktie. The turtleneck will have “IUPD” embroidered on the neck. The pants will be the traditional LAPD blue uniform trouser pants, one of the approved six pocket or cargo style pants or shorts and worn with the approved duty belt. Badge and nameplate may be metal or sewn-on depending on the style of top. Officers have the option to wear their body armor within one of the approved external carriers or under their uniform shirt within the internal cover. Footwear will be black leather boots or all black (including sole) tennis shoes worn over navy blue or black socks.
The superintendent for public safety or the deputy superintendent for public safety may authorize certain uniforms and equipment to be worn by members in specialized assignments such as honor guard, canine handlers, bicycle patrol, emergency response group (ERG), patrol rifle operators, motorcycle officers, and other specific assignments.
Sworn employees assigned to patrol operations are required to wear their IUPD issued uniform while on duty unless they are performing a special assignment.
Sworn employees not assigned to patrol operations may, but are not required to, wear their IUPD issued uniform while on duty. Sworn employees not assigned to patrol operations are authorized to routinely wear civilian clothing that is appropriate to their assignment, which is normally business casual attire.
When wearing civilian clothing, a department authorized handgun will be worn with the officer’s badge prominently displayed near the weapon. Sworn employees who are wearing civilian clothing while on duty will possess and maintain at the department a serviceable uniform and the necessary equipment to perform uniformed field duty.
Officers working in an undercover capacity are exempt from the attire and uniform standards and are expected to dress appropriately based on the nature of the undercover assignment.
Employees attending court will be dressed in uniform or business professional attire.
The IUPD training uniform consists of the approved IUPD training polo or training t-shirt and tactical or BDU style training pants in khaki, black, or midnight navy. Olive drab or military green colored pants are prohibited. The IUPD training uniform is only authorized for staff members who are actively attending training either as a student or instructor. The IUPD training uniform is not authorized for routine administrative wear, patrol operations, or approved off duty employment.
Cadet Officer Program Participants
The regular duty uniform for cadets and recruits consists of an issued grey polo shirt and dark navy blue uniform pants. Additionally, the following non-issued clothing is required: a white crew neck undershirt, plain black leather belt with black or silver buckle, black leather boots or all black (including sole) tennis shoes, and black or dark navy blue socks.
Recruits attending the IUPA will wear the following during physical training: grey specified t-shirt with IUPA logo, blue specified shorts with IUPA logo, plain white or black socks over ankle length, and appropriate gym or running shoes.
The IUPA has a dress-down training uniform that may be worn at the direction of the IUPA staff. This dress-down training uniform includes a grey specified t-shirt with IUPA logo, khaki colored tactical style pants, plain black leather belt with black or silver buckle, black leather boots or all black (including sole) tennis shoes, and black or dark navy blue socks.
Part time officer class II will abide by the above uniform standards for sworn employees.
Related Information
Indiana Code
- 3-14-1-6 Solicitation, challenge, or performance of election function by state police department employee, police officer, or firefighter
Indiana University
- GR-01 Contact with State Officials, Federal Officials, and Political Campaigns, and Other Political Activities
- HR-07-50 Political Activity
- Principles of Ethical Conduct: principles.iu.edu
- UA-17 Conflicts of Interest and Commitment
Indiana University Police Department
- IUPD Officer Catalog