G4.2.9 Inform Complainant of Status
Chapter: Chapter 04: Conduct and Professional Standards
Sub-Chapter: 4.2 - Internal Affairs Investigations
Effective Date: 05/02/2022
Revised Date: 09/16/2024
Rescinds: G4.2.9 – 9/29/2023
To provide the Indiana University Police Department (IUPD) with guidance regarding notifying the complainant of the status of a complaint.
General Order
The IUPD will provide any person who submits a complaint with a written verification that the IUPD has received the information. If an investigation extends beyond thirty days, the IUPD will communicate the status to the complainant. At the conclusion of the investigation, the IUPD will provide the complainant the final determination pursuant to G4.2.11 Conclusion of Fact associated with each allegation. This order does not apply to anonymous complaints.
Informing complainant of receipt of complaint (4.2.9 a)
Complaints may be made in person, by mail, email, online via the IUPD website, or over the phone at any time. All complaints received by the IUPD, regardless of the method received, will be entered into the Professional Standards System (PSS). If the complainant provides a valid email address, they will receive electronic confirmation of receipt of the complaint from the PSS. If the complainant provides other contact information, but not a valid email address, the major responsible for internal affairs will communicate to the complainant that the complaint was received.
Providing status reports if the investigation extends beyond thirty days (4.2.9 b)
If an investigation extends beyond thirty (30) days, periodic status reports will be communicated to the complainant. Written communication is the preferred method.
Providing notification of the completion of the investigation and results (4.2.9 c)
Upon completion of the investigation, the major responsible for internal affairs will notify the complainant, in writing, that the investigation is complete, and provide the final determination pursuant to G4.2.11 Conclusion of Fact associated with each allegation that was investigated. Any corrective action imposed on an IUPD employee will not be shared with the complainant.