G4.3.1 Accountability System
Chapter: Chapter 04: Conduct and Professional Standards
Sub-Chapter: 4.3 - Accountability System
Effective Date: 09/23/2016
Revised Date: 04/29/2024
Rescinds: G05-05 – 9/23/2016; F05-05.1 – 2/2016
To establish an employee accountability system for the Indiana University Police Department (IUPD) that includes recognizing employees for outstanding service to the community or exceptional performance, procedures for performance improvement, and corrective action.
General Order
The IUPD’s accountability system is based on fairness and is implemented in accordance with established Indiana University (IU) policies. The accountability system includes procedures and criteria for recognizing distinguished service, outstanding achievement, or exceptional performance, as well as procedures for improving performance and/or behavior.
Procedures and criteria for employee recognition and awards (4.3.1 a)
A letter of appreciation may be issued to any IUPD employee for any action that is within the normal realm of the employee’s duties and responsibilities which is performed with excellence and in furtherance of the mission and values of the IUPD. Letters of appreciation will be issued by supervisors through the supervisor portal. Any other member of the department who believes a letter of appreciation should be considered will notify the appropriate supervisor. A letter of appreciation could also be generated due to feedback from members of the community.
Nomination and selection procedures for awards
Any member of the department may submit an award nomination for the IUPD’s established award categories listed below. Members of the public are also encouraged to submit information to the IUPD if they have personal knowledge of an act of heroism, police action, or an outstanding act of public service performed by a member of the IUPD that they believe may qualify for a nomination for an award.
Nominations will be submitted into the supervisor portal and will include the following information:
- name, rank, and division of nominee,
- name, rank, and division of nominator,
- indication of the category of nomination (annual award or recognition), and
- detailed description justifying the nomination.
The superintendent for public safety will name the awards committee. Unless otherwise noted in the award categories and criteria below, award nominations will be submitted to and reviewed by the awards committee. The nominee’s chain of command will be notified of the submission. The awards committee will make final determinations on the appropriate award category for each nomination based on the information contained within the nomination submission and the award criteria. Recipients of awards will be notified by the appropriate senior level administrator based upon the recipient’s role. Documentation of all awards will be provided to the employee and placed in the employee’s personnel file. Awards are presented at the IUPD’s annual formal ceremony. At the discretion of the superintendent for public safety, awards may be presented at any other time throughout the year.
Award categories and criteria
Medal of Valor – The Medal of Valor is the highest decoration of honor that an officer can receive from the IUPD. The criteria for recommendation is an act of extreme bravery or heroism performed in the line of duty which places the officer’s life at great risk. Recipients of this award are presented a medal with yellow, white and blue silken ribbon and a uniform bar depicted below.
Purple Heart – The criteria for recommendation is a serious bodily injury to an officer inflicted by an adversary in the line of duty or while the officer is engaged in law enforcement action. Recipients of this award are presented a medal with white and blue silken ribbon and a uniform bar depicted below.
Life Saving Award – The criteria for recommendation is a prompt and unselfish act by any employee of the IUPD who renders aid which directly results in the saving of a person’s life from imminent danger or from the likelihood of certain death. Evidence may indicate that the action of the employee was the lifesaving act itself or the action prolonged the life to the point that the person was released to the care of medical personnel. Recipients of this award are presented a uniform bar depicted below.
Meritorious Service Award – The criteria for recommendation is demonstration of exceptional conduct by any employee of the IUPD that is significantly above the standard expectations within the normal realm of responsibilities or duties and can include an act showing evidence of selflessness during a time of crisis or emergency but does not meet a valorous act; completing a special project with exceptional results; completing work under unique situations where in the contribution makes the operations of the IUPD more efficient and/or enhances employee morale; or work performance that is consistently at a level far exceeding that of the nominee’s peers. Recipients of this award are presented a uniform bar depicted below.
Letter of Commendation – The criteria for recommendation is any commendable or creditable act worthy of recognition that shows a high degree of competence, professionalism, initiative, and accomplishment by any employee of the IUPD. The recognized act enhances public safety and/or promotes the mission, values, and goals of the IUPD.
Certificate of Achievement – The criteria for recommendation is highly professional conduct or performance by any employee of the IUPD involving outstanding contributions, exemplary initiative, and/or sustained performance.
Years of Service Recognition – Recognition to all full time IUPD employees for years served with the IUPD. Recognition is awarded in five year increments as a full time employee. Recipients of this award are presented a uniform bar. For five (5) to twenty-five (25) years of service the uniform bar is of blue enamel with a gold star representing each five (5) year increment of service. For thirty (30) or more years of service the uniform bar is of white enamel center and vertical bars of blue enamel at each end. The number of years of service in five (5) year increments will be displayed in the white enamel center.
Dispatcher of the Year - The qualifications for this award are based on the dispatcher’s integrity, collaboration, leadership, innovation, initiative, and determination to expand IUPD’s professionalism. The recipient of this award consistently adheres to and practices the mission statement of the IUPD, consistently performs their duties without close supervision, is familiar and complies with department policies, procedures, rules and regulations, conduct reflects favorably on themselves, IUPD, and Indiana University, and strives to continually improve, encourage others, and takes advantage of every opportunity to improve their ability to be more professionally competent.
The actions of the dispatcher must be such as to clearly distinguish them above all others to be recognized as IUPD’s Dispatcher of the Year. To be nominated for this award the nominee must be a full time employee, out of their probationary year, and in good standing with the university. Nominations for the IUPD Dispatcher of the Year award are reviewed by the awards committee and the director for dispatch communications who will make the final selection. Recipients of this award are presented with a plaque.
Officer of the Year – The qualifications for this award are based on an officer’s integrity, collaboration, leadership, innovation, initiative, and determination to expand IUPD’s professionalism. The recipient of this award consistently adheres to and practices the mission statement of the IUPD, consistently performs their duties without close supervision, is familiar and complies with department policies, procedures, rules and regulations, conduct reflects favorably on themselves, IUPD, and Indiana University, and strives to continually improve, encourage others, and takes advantage of every opportunity to improve their ability to be more professionally competent.
The actions of the officer must be such as to clearly distinguish them above all others to be recognized as an Officer of the Year. To be nominated for this award the nominee must be a full time employee with a rank of officer (including detectives), out of their probationary year, and in good standing with the university.
Nominations will be divided as follows:
- The north division will include the Northwest and South Bend campuses,
- The central division will include the Kokomo, East, and Indianapolis campuses,
- The Bloomington division, and
- The south division will include the Columbus, Southeast, and Evansville campuses.
One (1) Officer of the Year will be selected from each division. Of these four (4) divisional selections, one (1) will be selected as the overall IUPD Officer of the Year. Each recipient of this award is presented with a plaque.
Nominations for the Officer of the Year award are reviewed by the awards committee and will also include four (4) officers, one (1) from each division, who will make the final selections. Those with the rank of officer who are either nominated or who submitted a nomination for this award are prohibited from being part of this committee.
Field Training Officer of the Year – The qualifications for this award are based on the nominee’s commitment to excellence in field training, displaying a professional demeanor in contributing to the professional development of their trainees, and consistently adheres to and practices the mission statement and core values of the IUPD. The actions of the field training officer must be such as to clearly distinguish them above all others to be recognized as IUPD’s Field Training Officer of the Year.
To be nominated for this award, the nominee must have served as a field training officer for the IUPD during the calendar year and be in good standing with the university. Nominations for IUPD’s Field Training Officer of the Year are submitted to and will be reviewed by a committee chaired by the director for professional standards and education, and comprised of the assistant director for professional standards and education, and the department field training coordinator, who will make the final selection. Recipients of this award are presented with a plaque.
Instructor of the Year – The qualifications for this award are based on the nominee’s commitment to excellence in the area of training for the IUPD. The qualifications for this award are based on the nominee’s commitment to excellence in IUPD’s in-service training, displaying a professional demeanor in contributing to the professional development of all members of the IUPD, and consistently adheres to and practices the mission statement and core values of the IUPD. The actions of the instructor must be such as to clearly distinguish them above all others to be recognized as IUPD’s Instructor of the Year.
To be nominated for this award, the nominee must have served as an Indiana Law Enforcement Training Board certified instructor during the calendar year and be in good standing with the university. Nominations for IUPD’s Instructor of the Year are submitted to and will be reviewed by a committee chaired by the director for professional standards and education, and comprised of the assistant director for professional standards and education, and the department training coordinators, who will make the final selection. Recipients of this award are presented with a plaque.
Indiana University Police Academy Awards
The Indiana University Police Academy (IUPA) presents awards to graduates recognizing outstanding performance and achievement during their attendance at the IUPA. The following awards are awarded after each IUPA session during the IUPA graduation ceremony. All of these awards are merit based and final confirmation of the award recipients is made by the IUPA staff and in consultation with the superintendent for public safety.
The Dave Rhodes Physical Fitness Award – This award is presented to the recruit with the highest fitness score for the physical fitness exit exam. The recipient of this award is presented with a plaque.
The Firearms Proficiency Award – This award is presented to the recruit with the highest total score for firearms qualifications. The recipient of this award is presented with a plaque.
The Greg Butler Academic Award – This award is presented to the recruit with the highest grade point average for academic written tests. The recipient of this award is presented with a plaque.
Randy Williamson Bicentennial Scholarship for Police Cadet Experience – This award is presented to the highest performing police cadet academically, physically, professionally, and ethically. The recipient of this award is presented with a plaque.
Role of supervisors in the performance improvement and disciplinary process (4.3.1 e)
All supervisors will monitor and address work-related behavior of their subordinates. Early detection of poor habits, attitudes, and actions by subordinates may reduce or eliminate the need for any subsequent formal corrective action.
All supervisors will observe the conduct and appearance of subordinates and determine when a performance improvement plan may be useful or the initiation of the corrective action process may be necessary.
Any written documentation for a performance improvement plan or corrective action will be coordinated through the senior director for public safety who will consult with IU Human Resources (IUHR) as appropriate. After the senior director for public safety and/or IUHR approves the written documentation, supervisors may be tasked with delivering the written documentation to the employee. All written documentation will be stored in accordance with applicable IU policy.
Depending on the nature of the offense, or in the event of a Level One complaint (as defined in 4.2.6 Identify Level of Investigation), supervisors may be tasked with investigating allegations and meeting with the affected employee.
A supervisor may immediately, temporarily, relieve an employee from duty where the safety of persons or security of property is threatened or to prevent disruption of the workplace. The supervisor will notify their chain of command, with notifications made up through the superintendent for public safety as soon as reasonably practicable. The senior director for public safety will coordinate with IUHR to determine appropriate next steps in accordance with applicable university policy.
Procedures and criteria for using training to address performance deficiencies and corrective action of minor conduct violations (4.3.1 b)
Remedial training may be employed by itself or in conjunction with one or more other components of corrective action. Remedial training as a function of corrective action strengthens an employee’s performance by improving employee productivity and effectiveness using positive and constructive methods. Employees are required to diligently maintain an acceptable level of competence in the performance of their duties. An employee’s acts that are committed because the employee either misunderstood procedures or was never made aware of the correct action are indicators of training needs. These needs may be corrected by remedial training programs. Supervisors are required to identify any shortcomings, deficiencies, or lack of sufficient knowledge in their employees’ job performance. When appropriate, supervisors may recommend remedial training for the employee in accordance with G6.1.3 Remedial Training.
Procedures and criteria for using coaching and Performance Improvement Plans (4.3.1 c)
Workplace performance problems are most appropriately handled by discussion and coaching between the employee and supervisor. Coaching is best used for minor or first time offenses and provides the employee with an opportunity to correct the issue. Supervisors will document coaching conversations within the supervisor portal.
Supervisors who believe a Performance Improvement Plan (PIP) is appropriate will notify their chain of command and create an entry into the Professional Standards System (PSS). An automatic notification from the PSS will be sent to the superintendent for public safety, deputy superintendents, director for professional standards and education, senior director for public safety, and IUPD’s chief diversity officer. The senior director for public safety, in consultation with IUHR as appropriate, is responsible for the coordination of all procedures relating to performance improvement plans. PIPs that are documented in writing will be provided to the employee, stored in the PSS, and delivered in a secure method to IUHR.
Procedures for issuing discipline and identification of levels of discipline that become part of the official personnel file (4.3.1 d)
Formal corrective action is best used for repeated or serious violations, behavioral issues, or when coaching or a PIP has not resolved the issue. Formal corrective action is typically progressive in nature, beginning with the least severe action necessary to correct the issue and increasing in severity if the issue is not corrected; however, depending on the circumstances, it is possible that steps are skipped or repeated.
The IUPD will follow the procedures outlined within the applicable Indiana University Corrective Action policy based on the employee’s position classification. Supervisors who believe that formal corrective action is warranted will notify their chain of command and create an entry into the PSS. An automatic notification from the PSS will be sent to the superintendent for public safety, deputy superintendents, director for professional standards and education, senior director for public safety, and IUPD’s chief diversity officer. The senior director for public safety, in consultation with IUHR as appropriate, is responsible for the coordination and ensuring proper administration of all formal corrective action procedures.
Formal corrective action may include the following:
- Written warnings – A formal memorandum to an employee that contains a brief description of the behavior or performance issue, cites past actions taken to address the issue, states expected performance or behavior, and warns of consequences if performance does not improve. Written warnings will be issued by the employee’s supervisor. (4.3.1 f)
- Final warning – A formal memorandum to an employee that explains that termination will result if the employee does not show immediate improvement. Final warnings must be approved by the superintendent for public safety or designee. The superintendent for public safety or designee may issue the final warning. (4.3.1 f)
- Termination – Separation of the employee from employment with Indiana University. Only the superintendent for public safety or designee may issue an order of termination. (4.3.1 f)
Additional actions associated with formal corrective action may include the following:
- Suspension – A temporary forced absence from the workplace imposed for significant misconduct or repeated lesser offenses. Suspensions must be approved by the superintendent for public safety. The superintendent for public safety or designee may issue an order of suspension. (4.3.1 f)
- Demotion – A reduction in rank or career level. Only the superintendent for public safety or designee may issue an order of demotion. (4.3.1 f)
All formal corrective action will be documented in writing and provided to the employee, stored in the PSS, placed in the employee’s department personnel file, and delivered in a secure method to IUHR, who will be responsible for securely storing a copy in the employee’s formal HR file in accordance with their policies and retention schedules.
Related Information
Indiana University
- HR-08-20 Corrective Action for Non-Exempt AFSCME Police staff (AFSCME Police, Local 683)
- HR-08-30 Corrective Action for Service Staff (Non-Exempt AFSCME Service staff)
- HR-08-40 Corrective Action for Staff Employees Not Covered By a Union
- HR-08-50 Corrective Action for Non-Exempt CWA staff (CWA, Local 4818)
- HR-08-60 Corrective Action for Part Time Employees
- HR-08-80 Performance Improvement Plan
Indiana University Police Department
- G4.2.6 Identify Level of Investigation
- G6.1.3 Remedial Training