G6.1.2 Lesson Plans
Chapter: Chapter 06: Training and Professional Development
Sub-Chapter: 6.1 - Training Function
Effective Date: 04/01/2022
Revised Date: 04/01/2022
Rescinds: None
To provide the Indiana University Police Department (IUPD) with guidance surrounding lesson plans for all training courses conducted by the IUPD.
General Order
Lesson plans provide an important link between the intended purpose of the training course as envisioned by planners and administrators and its delivery by providing a written framework within which instructors must work. Every training course presented by IUPD instructors will be taught from a lesson plan which describes the expected performance objectives, training content and instructional techniques, and specifications for assessments, if any, used in determining competency. (6.1.2 a. b. d.) All lesson plans will be reviewed and approved by the director for professional standards and education or their designee, prior to being used to present training. (6.1.2 c.)