G6.1.5 Records of All Classes
Chapter: Chapter 06: Training and Professional Development
Sub-Chapter: 6.1 - Training Function
Effective Date: 04/01/2022
Revised Date: 04/01/2022
Rescinds: None
To provide the Indiana University Police Department (IUPD) with guidance on the requirements for records of training classes.
General Order
The IUPD will document for all training conducted or sponsored by the IUPD, the nature of the instruction, the identity of those attending and teaching the sessions, and the performance of the attendees, if applicable. Documentation will be stored in the IUPD’s Training Management System.
Course Content (6.1.5 a)
The content of each course will be outlined in the approved lesson plan, as specified in G6.1.2 Lesson Plans, associated with the course record. Student and instructor records will be linked to the course record.
Names of Agency Attendees (6.1.5 b)
A roster that logs the instructor(s) and student(s) will be completed for each training class and will be turned into the training coordinator for recordkeeping at the conclusion of the class. The training coordinator will create a student record for each IUPD employee who attends a training conducted or sponsored by IUPD, as specified in G6.1.4 Update Training Records.
Performance of Each Attendee (6.1.5 c)
Each student record will indicate if the student passed or failed any performance assessments associated with the course as applicable.
Identification of Instructors (6.1.5 d)
Each student record will indicate the name of the primary instructor presenting the course or the name of the outside organization presenting the course.
Related Information
Indiana University Police Department
- G6.1.2 Lesson Plans
- G6.1.4 Update Training Records
- F6.1.5-1 Training Roster
- F6.1.5-2 Firearms Qualification Roster