G7.1.14 Annual Use of Force Training
Chapter: Chapter 07: Use of Force
Sub-Chapter: 7.1 - Use of Force
Effective Date: 02/24/2020
Revised Date: 06/18/2024
Rescinds: G7.1.14 – 6/21/2022
To provide the Indiana University Police Department (IUPD) with guidance related to the annual training requirements for the Use of Force written directives.
General Order
All IUPD sworn officers will receive annual training regarding all general orders associated with the International Association of Campus Law Enforcement Administrators Accreditation Standards Sub-Chapter 7.1 – Use of Force.
Annual Use of Force Training (7.1.14)
Annual use of force training will cover all general orders associated with IUPD general orders sub-chapter 7.1 - Use of Force and will also meet all annual training requirements set by the Indiana Law Enforcement Training Board.
Indiana Code 5-2-1-2(5) states: "Training regarding the lawful use of force" includes classroom and skills training in the proper application of hand to hand defensive tactics, use of firearms, and other methods of:
(A) overcoming unlawful resistance; or
(B) countering other action that threatens the safety of the public or a law enforcement officer.
Indiana Code 5-2-1-9(15) states: De-escalation training shall be taught as a part of existing use-of-force training and not as a separate topic.
Records of annual training on use of force will be documented in IUPD’s Training Management System.
Related Information
Indiana Code
- IC 5-2-1-2 Mandatory Training for Law Enforcement Officers – Definitions
- IC 5-2-1-9 Rules; basic training; pre-basic training; in-service training; town marshal and executive training programs; fire investigators; handgun safety; refresher course; gaming agents; securities enforcement
Indiana University Police Department
- G7.1.2 LETB Statewide Policy on Deadly Force