G7.2.4 Weapons Proficiency
Chapter: Chapter 07: Use of Force
Sub-Chapter: 7.2 - Weapons Management
Effective Date: 01/14/2019
Revised Date: 01/31/2022
Rescinds: S21.01 - 8/20/2021
To provide the Indiana University Police Department (IUPD) with guidance on the training and demonstration of proficiency required before issuing weapons, and to document annual training and qualification requirements.
General Order
IUPD officers will receive training and demonstrate proficiency with weapons before the officer is authorized to carry the weapon. Sworn officers will qualify with all authorized firearms annually. Officers will receive annual refresher training on all weapons that they are authorized to carry or use. Officers who fail to demonstrate proficiency with an authorized weapon will be removed from armed duty, receive remedial training, and not be returned to armed duty until they have successfully demonstrated proficiency with all authorized weapons. The IUPD will maintain records of all weapons training and qualifications.
Annual – Occurring once per calendar year.
Armorer – An IUPD officer, appointed by the superintendent for public safety, deputy superintendent for public safety or division chief of police, responsible for the care and maintenance of IUPD firearms and who has completed training from a certifying authority on the care and maintenance of specific firearms.
Authorized Weapon – Any firearm defined in G7.2.2 Firearms and Ammunition or any less-lethal weapon defined in G7.2.1 Less-Lethal Weapons on which an IUPD employee has received training and demonstrated proficiency.
Instructor – An individual who has received instructor training from a certifying authority, regarding the use of the relevant weapon.
Training – Instruction and practice regarding the appropriate application and uses of a weapon.
Training Management System (TMS) – A database and software system for tracking training and qualification records.
Qualify – The demonstration of proficiency with a weapon.
Weapon - Any implement or device that can be used with the intent to inflict damage or harm. This includes both lethal and less-lethal weapons.
Training and Demonstrated Proficiency Before Weapon Issuance (7.2.4 a)
The IUPD will not issue any weapon until the officer has received training and demonstrated proficiency with that weapon. The training will be vetted and approved by the director for public safety education. Additionally, officers are only authorized to deploy or use weapons for which they have received training and demonstrated proficiency.
Proficiency requirements for each weapon will be determined by the director for public safety education and described in the training for that weapon. Demonstrating proficiency includes but is not limited to:
- Achieving a minimum qualifying score on a prescribed course regardless of the type of testing (i.e., combat shooting, target identification, written testing, etc.).
- Attaining and demonstrating knowledge of the laws concerning the use of authorized weapons.
- Knowledge of applicable IUPD General Orders under Chapter 7 – Use of Force.
- Knowledge of safe handling and cleaning procedures of the weapons.
Officers who choose to use a red dot sight (RDS) optic system as specified in G7.2.3 Weapons Control must do the following:
- complete the approved IUPD RDS Optics Training Program,
- successfully complete an initial IUPD qualification course with their issued duty weapon using both the RDS optic system and fixed iron sights, and
- successfully complete the annual IUPD qualification course with their issued duty weapon using both the RDS optic system and fixed iron sights.
Records of training and proficiency demonstrations will be recorded in the TMS.
Officers Attending a Law Enforcement Academy
The IUPD may provide weapons to officers who are attending a law enforcement academy to facilitate instruction, practice, and proficiency demonstration during the academy.
Employees who are issued weapons while attending a law enforcement academy are not authorized to carry those weapons except to attend instruction, practice or demonstrate proficiency with the weapon, or at the direction of the law enforcement academy staff.
Employees who are issued firearms while attending a law enforcement academy will store the firearm and any associated ammunition in physically separate locations unless actively participating in instruction, practice or demonstrating proficiency with the firearm, or at the direction of the law enforcement academy staff.
Annual Qualification with Authorized Firearms (7.2.4 b)
Annually, all sworn officers will be required to fire a minimum qualifying score as indicated on an approved course of fire with all authorized firearms, as described in G7.2.2 Firearms and Ammunition.
Approved courses of fire are those established by the director for public safety education. Firearms qualifications will be administered by an Indiana Law Enforcement Training Board (ILETB) Certified Firearms Instructor.
A passing score on a course of fire approved by the ILETB will satisfy the annual requirement for demonstrating proficiency with that firearm.
Records for the annual qualification with authorized firearms will be maintained in the TMS.
Annual Refresher Training for All Authorized Weapons (7.2.4 c)
The IUPD will provide annual refresher training for all authorized weapons that an officer is authorized to carry, deploy, or use. The training presentation covering the use of firearms will address topics relevant to the use of department and non-department firearms both on and off duty. Each course will follow a lesson plan and will be documented and recorded in the TMS.
Duty Status for Officers Failing to Qualify (7.2.4 d)
Records of training, to include the specific topics and techniques addressed through remedial training, and records of proficiency demonstrations will be maintained in the TMS.
Issued Weapons
Officers who fail to demonstrate proficiency with an issued weapon or fail a written test will receive immediate remedial training from an instructor certified on the weapon in question. After receiving remedial training, the officer will be allowed a second attempt to demonstrate proficiency.
Officers who fail to demonstrate proficiency with an issued weapon or fail a written test a second time will receive immediate remedial training from an instructor certified on the weapon in question. After receiving remedial training, the officer will be allowed a third attempt to demonstrate proficiency.
Officers who fail to demonstrate proficiency with an issued weapon or fail a written test a third time will turn in the weapon to the instructor and will be removed from armed duty assignments. The instructor will immediately notify the officer’s division chief of police and the director for public safety education.
The officer will be provided with additional remedial training, not to exceed forty (40) hours, over a period of no more than thirty (30) days. After remedial training, the officer will get three additional attempts to demonstrate proficiency and/or pass a written test. If the officer fails to demonstrate proficiency with the issued weapon or fails a written test during all three attempts, the officer’s division chief of police will be notified.
The division chief of police, in consultation with the superintendent for public safety, deputy superintendent for public safety and the senior director for public safety and institutional assurance, will evaluate the continued employment of the officer.
Non-Department Firearms
Officers who fail to demonstrate proficiency with a non-department firearm may choose to receive immediate remedial training from a firearms instructor. After receiving remedial training, the officer will be allowed a second attempt to demonstrate proficiency.
Officers who fail to demonstrate proficiency with a non-department firearm a second time may choose to receive immediate remedial training from a firearms instructor. After receiving remedial training, the officer will be allowed a third attempt to demonstrate proficiency.
Officers who choose not to receive remedial training, or who fail to demonstrate proficiency with a non-department firearm on their third attempt will not be authorized to carry the non-department firearm. Should this occur, the instructor or armorer will update the Inventory Management System to indicate that the firearm in question is no longer authorized.
Officers who choose to no longer carry a non-department handgun or are unable to attend an annual qualification for the non-department handgun will notify the appropriate armorer or instructor who will update the Inventory Management System. The officer will no longer be authorized to carry the non-department handgun.
Related Information
Indiana University Police Department
- F7.2.4-1 Weapons Control Inspection and Proficiency
- G7.2.1 Less-Lethal Weapons
- G7.2.2 Firearms and Ammunition
- G7.2.3 Weapons Control