G8.1.1 Designated Area for Arrestee Processing
Chapter: Chapter 08: Arrestee Processing and Transportation
Sub-Chapter: 8.1 - Processing
Effective Date: 03/11/2024
Revised Date: 03/11/2024
Rescinds: None
To state the Indiana University Police Department (IUPD) has designated rooms to place arrestees while conducting official actions.
General Order
The IUPD does not perform arrestee processing actions such as photographing, fingerprinting, or processing of criminal charges. These items are conducted at the local arrestee processing facility. However, arrestees may be transported to an IUPD facility for official purposes such as to conduct an interrogation, to perform sobriety testing, or to complete a chemical test. Arrestees brought into an IUPD facility for these purposes will only be placed in the designated interview room or breath test room.
There may be other circumstances in which an officer must transport an arrestee from the field to an IUPD facility prior to transporting to the local processing facility. The preferred location to place an arrestee is the designated interview room or breath test room. However, it may be necessary to place an arrestee in an area outside the designated interview room or breath test room. Under these circumstances, the arrestee will be placed in a space that ensures the safety and security of the officer and the arrestee. All arrestees who are brought to an IUPD facility will be continuously monitored and will not be left unattended.