G8.3.2 Officer's Actions at Destination
Chapter: Chapter 08: Arrestee Processing and Transportation
Sub-Chapter: 8.3 - Arrestee Transportation
Effective Date: 02/27/2024
Revised Date: 02/27/2024
Rescinds: None
To define the procedures the Indiana University Police Department (IUPD) officers will follow upon arrival at the receiving facility for the arrestee.
General Order
When transferring arrestees to the appropriate receiving facility, certain actions are essential to ensure the safety of the officer, receiving personnel, and the arrestee. Officers will follow the receiving facilities procedures regarding the security of weapons and removal of restraining devices. Officers will provide appropriate documentation and other necessary and relevant information to the receiving facility’s personnel.
Safety and security of firearms and other weapons (8.3.2 a)
Officers will secure their firearms and other weapons as determined by the receiving facility. If provided and available, officers may utilize the receiving designated area for this purpose. If not provided or available, officers will secure their firearms and other weapons in a lockable section of their police vehicle.
Removing restraining devices (8.3.2 b)
Restraints will be removed from the arrestee in accordance with the established procedures of the receiving facility or otherwise at the direction of the receiving facility’s personnel accepting custody of the arrestee.
Providing documentation (8.3.2 c)
Officers will complete and provide all necessary and proper documentation to the receiving facility’s personnel confirming transfer and receipt of the arrestee. Documentation will include the receiving facility’s intake/booking/remand form and the arrestee’s personal property and accompanying inventory form.
Providing potential medical or security concerns for or hazards posed by the arrestee (8.3.2 d)
The transporting officer will notify the receiving facility’s personnel of any potential medical and/or security concerns regarding the arrestee and/or if the arrestee has expressed any self-harm ideations.
Notification when the arrestee is considered an unusual security risk (8.3.2 e)
The transporting officer will notify the receiving facility’s personnel if the arrestee is considered an unusual security risk (e.g. is or has been violent, has attempted escape, etc.). When possible, unusual security risks should be provided to the receiving facility prior to arrival.