G8.3.3 Transporting Sick, Injured, or Physically Disabled Arrestee
Chapter: Chapter 08: Arrestee Processing and Transportation
Sub-Chapter: 8.3 - Arrestee Transportation
Effective Date: 02/27/2024
Revised Date: 03/18/2024
Rescinds: G8.3.3 – 2/27/2024
To define the procedures the Indiana University Police Department (IUPD) officers will follow for sick, injured, or physically disabled arrestees.
General Order
The IUPD recognizes there may be times when officers will arrest a person who is sick, injured, or physically disabled. Officers will provide arrestees access to medical care as appropriate, while ensuring the safety and security of the officer, medical personnel, members of the public, and the arrestee.
Transporting sick, injured, or physically disabled arrestees (8.3.3 a)
When a person has been taken into custody and medical attention is required due to injury or illness, officers will render first aid, commensurate with the training they have received, and request emergency medical services (EMS) as needed to respond to the scene.
If the arrestee requires further medical treatment, they may be transported to a medical facility by ambulance. If there are concerns that the arrestee is an escape risk, combative, or poses another security risk, the officer will accompany the arrestee in the ambulance; otherwise, the officer will follow the ambulance in their police vehicle.
If the arrestee refuses treatment and the attending EMS personnel determine that immediate medical treatment is not necessary, officers may transport the arrestee to an appropriate medical facility in an IUPD vehicle.
Arrestees who pose a bio-hazard risk may be transported with a surgical mask or N95 respirator that covers their nose and mouth. Arrestees who are wearing a surgical mask or N95 respirator will be monitored to ensure they can breathe and will not be left unattended.
When transporting physically disabled arrestees, special accommodations for transportation may be required. The transporting officer will exercise due care respective of the disability while ensuring the safety and security of the officer and arrestee. Depending on the type of disability and special needs of the arrestee, the transporting officer may utilize a vehicle other than a police vehicle. Officers will examine and secure mobility devices during transportation.
Security and control of arrestees transported to medical care facilities or hospitals (8.3.3 b)
When an arrestee needs medical care at a medical facility or hospital, officers will consider the severity of the offense and the need for a custodial arrest. If practicable, officers may consider other options including, but not limited to issuing a summons in lieu of a custodial arrest or presenting a probable cause affidavit to the local prosecutor’s office.
If a custodial arrest is necessary, the receiving medical care facility may require the IUPD to provide security and control of the arrestee during the time the arrestee is at the facility. Security and control measures include, but are not limited to:
- Upon arrival, officers may be required to perform another search of the arrestee and their belongings.
- The officer(s) will remain with the arrestee at all times, unless directed to leave the treatment area by medical personnel for medical reasons. The officer(s) will remain close by and ready to intervene in the event the arrestee attempts to escape or becomes violent.
- The officer(s) will conduct another search of the arrestee and the surrounding area within reach of the arrestee if the officer(s) was(were) separated from the arrestee during treatment.
- Items not required for medical care that may aid in escape or be used as a weapon must be removed from the immediate area of the arrestee.
- The officer(s) will remain vigilant at all times and will not engage in any activity that would distract them from the security and observation of the arrestee.
- Officers may remove, replace, or rearrange the restraints if requested by medical personnel for the necessary treatment of the arrestee.
If it appears that the arrestee will be at the medical facility for an extended period of time, notification will be made up the chain of command. The division chief of police or designee, in consultation with others as appropriate, will determine if the IUPD will continue to provide security and control of the arrestee or if there are other appropriate alternatives.
After the arrestee has been released from the medical facility, the officer(s) will transport the arrestee to the appropriate arrestee receiving facility for processing.