G9.2.7 Availability of Body Armor
Chapter: Chapter 09: Patrol Services
Sub-Chapter: 9.2 - Special Circumstances
Effective Date: 11/02/2021
Revised Date: 11/02/2021
Rescinds: None
To provide direction on the policy and procedure on issuing and wearing ballistic body armor.
General Order
The Indiana University Police Department (IUPD) recognizes the importance of wearing ballistic body armor for officer safety. The IUPD shall issue ballistic body armor to all sworn personnel and may issue to nonsworn, uniformed security personnel. Sworn personnel are required to always wear their issued body armor while on duty, in uniform and performing patrol related duties; or engaging in preplanned, high-risk tactical situations.
Body armor is available to all armed personnel (9.2.7 a)
The IUPD shall issue all sworn personnel ballistic body armor. All sworn personnel, regardless of work assignment, are required to have their body armor available to them while on duty.
The IUPD may issue ballistic body armor to full time, nonsworn, and unarmed uniformed security personnel if requested by the employee.
Type of body armor authorized by the IUPD (9.2.7 b)
The ballistic body armor authorized by the IUPD complies with the National Institute of Justice standards and will resist the ammunition that is carried by the officer while on duty (Level II at a minimum).
Nonsworn personnel will be issued the same type of body armor as sworn personnel. (9.2.7d.)
Officers issued rifles and SWAT/CIRT team members will be issued body armor that will resist the ammunition carried by these officers during these special assignments (Level IV or rifle plates at a minimum).
Circumstances when its wearing is mandatory (9.2.7 c)
Sworn personnel are required to wear their issued body armor while on duty, in uniform and performing patrol related duties. Sworn personnel who primarily perform administrative functions are not required to wear their issued body armor unless they are otherwise engaged in patrol related functions.
Sworn personnel engaging in preplanned, high-risk situations, including but not limited to, high-risk warrant service, SWAT/CIRT call outs, etc. are required to wear their issued body armor.
All personnel, including instructors and students, who are attending training at the firearms range are required to wear ballistic body armor during the times the range is considered active. This does not prohibit officers from removing ballistic body armor during breaks in training, however no personnel shall be on an active range without ballistic body armor when training resumes and is active.
Nonsworn personnel who are issued ballistic body armor will be required to wear it while on duty and in uniform. (9.2.7d.)
Related Information
National Institute of Justice: https://nij.ojp.gov/topics/articles/overview-body-armor