On May 1, Indiana Governor Eric Holcomb announced a five-stage plan for reopening the state and resuming different types of activities. Certain local governments, including Monroe (home to IU Bloomington) and Marion (home to IU Indianapolis) counties, will keep stay-at-home orders in place for a longer period of time.
What this means for IU
IU faculty, staff and students should continue to work, teach and learn remotely except for previously announced essential services and research activities as defined by IU’s essential research policy.
The university respects the rigorous planning of Governor Holcomb along with county and city governments as each carefully assesses data and makes plans for the health and well-being of their communities. Likewise, and as announced in President McRobbie’s message to the IU community, IU has established a Restart Committee comprising health experts who will provide recommendations for the timing and process for any operational changes at IU along with a Laboratory Research Restart Committee and relevant campus committees to implement the recommendations.
IU’s guidance for virtual work wherever possible remains in effect until further notice. Students, faculty and staff should await further information from the university to determine when they should return to campus.
Visit coronavirus.iu.edu for information, frequently asked questions and additional resources about coronavirus COVID-19.