Get Emergency Alerts

In case of emergency: We keep you on alert

IU uses a variety of methods to provide you with timely emergency and safety information. This includes going “old school”—we use sirens, public address, social media, radio and broadcast media, and people, in the form of building managers, emergency control committees and residence hall personnel. We also use newer technologies, such as text messages, websites, and a consolidated communications system called IU Notify.

Social media

Social media is an important communication tool during emergencies because of its ability to share life-saving directions, videos, and other information immediately to large numbers of people.

Follow the IU Police and Public Safety social media accounts to receive timely emergency alerts and information.

Weather radios

Emergency alert radios broadcast emergency and weather information across campus and have been tested to ensure operation in all buildings. Every building manager or warden and academic/staff unit should have one of these radios.

A NOAA Weather Radio receives weather information broadcast by The National Weather Service (NWS). Information may include warnings, watches, forecasts, and other hazard information, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. You must have one of these radios to receive the warnings.

The following model features provide the maximum safety:

  • Tone Alarm: the radio will activate when the NWS sends out a signal that there is a weather emergency
  • SAME: the radio can be customized for specific counties
  • Battery Backup: if the electricity is off, the radio will continue to work

Weather radios are available from many manufacturers and typically run $30-$80

Learn more about weather radios

If you have questions about buying a NOAA weather radio, please contact the IU Emergency Management Office:

  • IU Bloomington 812-855-2004
  • IU Indianapolis 317-274-8152
  • email